I have to kind of agree with you on that. The Alien Treatz I have from Robinhood look like they are outdoing the Frozen Fuel from Square One. Don't get me wrong, some of the Frozen Fuel pheno's are some of the stickiest, frostiest, aromatic plants I have delt with, but some of the bottoms are just so damn larfy. The tops buds and buds close to the top are producing nice dense big buds, but anything under the main canopy is really really larfy. That is if they don't bulk up a little bit in the last week, but other than that I don't see much more coming from the bottoms in the next week before chop. Gotta say, the Alien Treatz have met my expectations and more. Amazing, amazing, amazing plants and genetics. The combination of terpenes from all the genetics put into the Alien Treatz is HEAVINLY. The candy fruity amazing flavor of Runtz with the Cookies terps from the MAC, and then that funky stuff from the GMO. It combines into such an amazing aroma. And my God the resin. Purples and Reds are starting to come through. Truly a pleasure to have grown. I have really high hopes for both the Frozen Fuel and Alien Treatz when I finally get to smoke test them. Should be fun

Really hyped about the Big Leagues next run. Hopefully the Brisker can take away some of that larf from the Banana Buttercups.