i like cookies sr v...
little lesson ive been learing about hash oil...
on the left is cooking oil and BLFHO sap
on the right is crisco and BLFHO with water in it.
who can see where i am going with this?
Loved the background on that... Chillin in front of the grow lab, thats how it should be.
& at oakley I must say I'm super impressed! Lots of delicious oil !
Im showing an apt comparison.Are you trying to teach people to keep there cooking oil away from sap? Cause it looks like its running together..
But hey, let me get a globb of that top right!! How do u get water in your errl? Spilling?
i know exactly what your tryna do, it works okay but leaves a weird taste..... last time i melted 5 grams of honey down into 1/3 of a cup of oil then made a boxed brownie mix with em... super potent but tasted like ass
Hate to bash a product I've never used but that seems incredibly overpriced for the technology. Again have to post my $10 oil vape. Costs $10 because it's made for the medical industry but it's really just $0.99 guts with two AAs. Granted that is a much sexier looking model compared to mine.
Yea that thing has no way to compare to the Omicron.The Omicron has a refillable 1g oil cartridge, no plastics, rechargeable inner batteries, usb and a/c charging, etc... Yours, while works, could also be achieved with a glass jar and a bic lighter, too. The Omicron hits like an oil rig, with the difference is the hit is slower (takes longer) than regular oil dabs. If I ever meet ya, first Omicron hits on the house. After that you'll buy one.
With that type of review I might have to buy one regardless. Hits like a rig you say...
Mine can run off rechargeable batteries and has a temp control function but I wouldn't say it hits like a rig. I'd say it's a bubbler versus a bong - bong being a rig in this comparison.
wow....thats interesting....who makes that verde??