SRSOG #2 aka Serious OG

I know! I got a big one too Bob. Needs transplanted and thrown in the flower tent asap. I also need to get the 1k mo brought going asap. Lots to do. :-)
Ok I'm gonna scope them tonight just for giggles. When I chopped at 8.5 weeks I was full milky but almost no amber, so I was wanting to push it to amberland but u guys got me wanting to chop sooner now :)
A little more 7 week love. I scoped them last night and they're only like 50/50 cloudy/clear. I gotta push her to the end of the rainbow! 8.5 weeks was full milky and I wanna see some Amber! I might let this go as long as 10 weeks for the sake of science but I don't foresee going past 8 weeks on a regular basis. Oh the 4 degree temp drop didn't stop her from fox tailing, it's just meant to be I suppose :)
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This is a little lower larf, hanging about 6 inches from the concrete. Doesn't look half bad! image.jpeg