SRSOG #2 aka Serious OG

It is tough to take group pics in a room that lol.

No cp anymore. I'm letting go of quite few tbh. Time to move on. Probably always keep the bubba dream though.

@Mohican. I thought males.were no more for you? :-). Lol
This male is such a monster I must give him a chance! It is a short season grow so It will only pollinate the few girls out there. I will probably collect some as well.

One of the SRS cuttings I stuck in the ground is already showing new growth!

Yeah. She may have earned a slot in the garden. Grows way different than the cp we had. Looks like a good yielder and frosty. I should give chaka a.sample to test when done. See.if.profiles stay similar from grower to grower
This male is such a monster I must give him a chance! It is a short season grow so It will only pollinate the few girls out there. I will probably collect some as well.

One of the SRS cuttings I stuck in the ground is already showing new growth!
I've found she appears to continue growing even before she's made new roots yet :) I always wondered why the dome was harder and harder to put on and she wasn't even rooted yet lol.
Yeah. She may have earned a slot in the garden. Grows way different than the cp we had. Looks like a good yielder and frosty. I should give chaka a.sample to test when done. See.if.profiles stay similar from grower to grower
I'm curious of this too. This round I'm in now is a different soil but same nutes so we'll see if there's a difference there as well. I wish I could just have free testing for all of my willy nilly desires!
So awhile back I had someone that wanted 150 clones and how quick I could get them. My answer, I don't have a fucking clue! So I started paying attention to my cloning and whatnot. I've discovered I can turn 1 clone into 8 in 3 weeks. So 150 clones would take 19 plants and 3 weeks, those 19 plants would take about 3 plants to make plus another 3 weeks (I'm counting backwards but in a odd way) so from 3 plants I could make 150 clones in 6 weeks. Didja guys follow my math?

Does my math work for any other plant on earth? Of course not! :)