SS420's new hydro grow - Blueberry, White Shark, ChemDog, OG kush


Well-Known Member
sounds like a deal to me bro , so whats the hermie chances on those? is it easy to hermie or what?, because i put mine through hell and nothing but female happened to her.i had a fuckin dream that my girl ended up with seeds and shit i was like wtf , but it was only 4 seeds, and they was huge lol. but 1 thing i know is that im not going to attemp to grow her again i know that bro lol if seeds some how appeard you can have them and let me know whats going on or something and you might have better luck then i do
they can hermie if thats what you mean.. i dont know what their threash hold level is tho before they do... i beat them up pretty bad when i was growing them... moving environments and grow areas... multiple plants per pot... just a lot of shit.. and most of them were fine... so.. i would say they can take a beating and be ok.. just dont plan on beating them up.. treat them with love bro!!

i hope you dont end up with a hermie... just remove any banana sacs if you start to see them!


Well-Known Member
they can hermie if thats what you mean.. i dont know what their threash hold level is tho before they do... i beat them up pretty bad when i was growing them... moving environments and grow areas... multiple plants per pot... just a lot of shit.. and most of them were fine... so.. i would say they can take a beating and be ok.. just dont plan on beating them up.. treat them with love bro!!

i hope you dont end up with a hermie... just remove any banana sacs if you start to see them!

ok i dont plan on it, but i only have a 1 room for flowering/veg and while tha other girl is doing her thing i have to use cfl`s and then switch to mh for a while or actually im going hps all the way through , but yea i have to wait on her to finish then she goes into the dungeon right away to be finished off
and if shes hermie im not going to b1 assinate her tho lol


Well-Known Member
mornning guys, waz up...

whats up mg how ya doing bro , oh good/bad news

good news i tried to germinate 3 crystals and 1 came out

bad news no indica or big bud came out from bein germinated so im sad also the other 2 crystals didnt work yet so im even more sad and i dont want to risk anymore indica or big buds because i only have a couple left and im debating , and the crystals i have a shit ton of those so i dont know i can risk those and the thai i havent bothered with yet lol


Well-Known Member
morning brotha.. hows it going on your end?? not bad here... just trying to get through the heart break.. i think i am going to pull the og kush today :( any last words for her before she is burried??


Well-Known Member
yeah.. tis a sad sad thing.. i think she has root rot from being drownded... i am pretty sure that and a combination of the nute burn suffered from "the great flood of 09" as i have dubbed it, has sent her to her final resting place..


Well-Known Member
morning brotha.. hows it going on your end?? not bad here... just trying to get through the heart break.. i think i am going to pull the og kush today :( any last words for her before she is burried??

ur really going to do it ? dont pull the plug , well it was nice knowing ya og see you in the future


Well-Known Member
yeah.. tis a sad sad thing.. i think she has root rot from being drownded... i am pretty sure that and a combination of the nute burn suffered from "the great flood of 09" as i have dubbed it, has sent her to her final resting place..

you shoul be a bearer or how ever you say that because that was just perfect . im heavily medicated and couldnt stop laughing even tho its a sad thing at this moment lost loves parishing in the depths of dwc disaster


Well-Known Member
i dont know if i could ever be a bearer or whatever... im not good at public speaking... i sound a lot better when i type than when i talk..


Well-Known Member
ive got bonsi roots everywhere in my cloner if that makes u feel better, like crazy. i transplanted like 18 of em to sytrofoam cups and soil last night. thriving . it wuz just the left overs from the old diy cloner that i put in the ezcloner that kinda rotted from being in cloners for a month plus...but now im getting roots in 4-5 days, full blown, roots from stem cut orgin, and from where there are side shoots that i cut off, that are under neath tray and under the neoprene, creates roots at that region like a mother. this cloner could pump like least 100 clones out a month +++++++more


Well-Known Member
that makes me happy that its working so well for you.. i told you it was a beast!! LOL its sick how fast it produces roots and how large the systems get and how quick they get there...


Well-Known Member
good morning all.. how's it going today?? trust all is well?!

im in a really good mood today.. no reason inparticular... well maybe a couple...

first i want to appologize for being somewhat awol lately.. i know no one really cares.. just been bummed because of the girls.. and so i sorta curled up into a ball and cried it out... but im over it now.. LOL

so here are where things stand... they are definatly starting to recover.... the water level is dropping like it should letting me know they are drinking plenty of fluids... the EC is maintaining also... i think i am going to purchase a RO machine when i get through this grow.. the ec of the water after running through the filter i have now is just too high.. it says its supposed to remove 90% of sediment and 99% of chlorine.. and although i believe the chlorine part, i dont believe the sediment part... im guessing maybe 50%... it drops my tap ec from .6/.8 to .2/.4.. but i want a 0 ec so i know everything i am adding is only what i want... i also think i am going to keep a lower ec the entire time, just in case something happens again..

all the generation 4 sprouts (the 3 super lemon haze and 2 tundras i just germed) are showing roots and will be ready to transplant in the next couple days...

the white shark clone just got transplanted today... she had some big thick ass roots coming out of her... she took the site that the og kush was in.. shouldnt take long to start seeing good growth from her.. although now that i think about it i need to further rearrange sites...

the gen 3 seedlings (the super lemon haze and tundra sprouts in the system) are opposite one another.. the SLH, although she is a mutant, is thriving and starting to grow at a good rate.. the tundra sprout is fried....

the gen 2 plants (the bluehash, strawberry cough, and giga bud) are showing good regrowth.. well 2 of them.. im starting to think the dinafem seeds are not worth a shit... the bluehash, which is from dinafem, is, i think, done and done... it doesnt seem she is showing any regrowth... but ill keep hoping...

the white shark mother is starting to fill herself back out.. which is a long ways away... but i can see it happening over the next week or two...

and finally the blueberry is showing pistils like crazy.. although ive known she is a girl for a while now, seeing them makes me hard... its a beautiful thing.. and shes still growing very nicely..

so thats the update.. i might take some pics later and post them.. just not sure if/when ill have the time..


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
it smells so good in the morning in my house... i just want to eat mybuds....LOL... things are good hear. getting antsy tochop my girls down.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
good morning all.. how's it going today?? trust all is well?!

im in a really good mood today.. no reason inparticular... well maybe a couple...

first i want to appologize for being somewhat awol lately.. i know no one really cares.. just been bummed because of the girls.. and so i sorta curled up into a ball and cried it out... but im over it now.. LOL

so here are where things stand... they are definatly starting to recover.... the water level is dropping like it should letting me know they are drinking plenty of fluids... the EC is maintaining also... i think i am going to purchase a RO machine when i get through this grow.. the ec of the water after running through the filter i have now is just too high.. it says its supposed to remove 90% of sediment and 99% of chlorine.. and although i believe the chlorine part, i dont believe the sediment part... im guessing maybe 50%... it drops my tap ec from .6/.8 to .2/.4.. but i want a 0 ec so i know everything i am adding is only what i want... i also think i am going to keep a lower ec the entire time, just in case something happens again..

all the generation 4 sprouts (the 3 super lemon haze and 2 tundras i just germed) are showing roots and will be ready to transplant in the next couple days...

the white shark clone just got transplanted today... she had some big thick ass roots coming out of her... she took the site that the og kush was in.. shouldnt take long to start seeing good growth from her.. although now that i think about it i need to further rearrange sites...

the gen 3 seedlings (the super lemon haze and tundra sprouts in the system) are opposite one another.. the SLH, although she is a mutant, is thriving and starting to grow at a good rate.. the tundra sprout is fried....

the gen 2 plants (the bluehash, strawberry cough, and giga bud) are showing good regrowth.. well 2 of them.. im starting to think the dinafem seeds are not worth a shit... the bluehash, which is from dinafem, is, i think, done and done... it doesnt seem she is showing any regrowth... but ill keep hoping...

the white shark mother is starting to fill herself back out.. which is a long ways away... but i can see it happening over the next week or two...

and finally the blueberry is showing pistils like crazy.. although ive known she is a girl for a while now, seeing them makes me hard... its a beautiful thing.. and shes still growing very nicely..

so thats the update.. i might take some pics later and post them.. just not sure if/when ill have the time..
ya thats it bro move on to the next girl..... she will grow better.. i just got some white shark from my clubthe other day... i like it..:hump:


Well-Known Member
i keep taking one step forward and two back.. although had the system not flooded like that i would be much further ahead.. oh well.. as long as im moving forward now...

im jealous you get to smell that everyday.. it wont be long now for me.... about 4 weeks to start.. hopefully by then everything will be as it should for me... and im crossing my fingers that i dont have any more catastrophic failures again..


Well-Known Member
i almost 4-got , you said you transplanted them today into the system. are they on the same level of nutes as the others or what ? it slipped my mind because i was busy trying to post them damn pics bro , if so i wonder how thats going to turn out for-real lol


Well-Known Member
i filled out the garden today.. all the sprouts were rooted well.. as well as the og kush and white shark... so, learning from my previous mistakes, i kept the hps quite a ways off the sprouts.. its insane how much damage was done from the hps from 1 foot away, when i can keep my floros a few inches away and be just fine.. its got to be because the light is being emitted from 1 location with an hps bulb and is spread out over the length of the floros... plus the ec is low due to the flush so its a good time to introduce the sprouts... this will give them 3 or 4 days of solid growth and rooting on a low ec before the res change.. although i plan on keeping the ec lower anyways..

i really wish i could afford a RO water purifier right now.. i think the city water plant doesnt pay attention to what or how much shit they are using or how clean they are getting the water.. and so the water is super loaded with shit.. the ec seems to fluctuate.. and the filter i have is just not doing as well as i want.. so for the meantime i am going to just have to run a lower ec.. at least until the girls begin sucking done a shit load of water and i can add some more water everyday.. then i'll either start with a little stronger nute solution so i dont have to mix batches everyday.. or i might just keep a steady ec, or close to steady as i can, the entire time.. pretty much going to start on the light side and go from there...