SSRI's, Children, School Shootings ?

Could experimental psychotropic drugs cause violent behavior and thoughts of suicide?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 70.0%
  • No

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • Not Mine

    Votes: 1 10.0%

  • Total voters
recent shooter showed his gun collection to parents and social media, he was wealthy, with 880k at his disposal, his guardians knew he was mentally ill, knew he collected guns, and even called police on him dozens of times. thats one set of shitty parents that allowed a gun collection that was used to slaughter children. Do you wish to work backwards from there now?
cops knew he had guns, cops knew he was going to shoot up the school, neighbors knew too, social media knew it, the fbi even knew it. His guns are registered. he registered them illegally obviously, while he was mentally ill and drugged.
One-point anecdotal "evidence" for this worrying social phenomenon! Oh noes!

The sad part is, the rest of your argument is just as free of fact as this one small example. Take your irrational sock-buttocks back to Politics.
this whole thread should be moved to politics where it belongs. sock puppet OP is just trying to poison the well on gun control (a clearly political issue).

if there were a 'conspiracy theories and infowars' section, that would be the more appropriate place but since we do not have one of those, politics it is
this whole thread should be moved to politics where it belongs. sock puppet OP is just trying to poison the well on gun control (a clearly political issue).

if there were a 'conspiracy theories and infowars' section, that would be the more appropriate place but since we do not have one of those, politics it is

This thread wasn’t about gun control. It was about ssri’s.

I know you feel more comfortable with your few friends left in politics but the people you bet you would leave if trump was elected not being here is no reason for you to break your promise. Even if it is justified in your own mind. So you should not go to politics either if you are a man of your word.

You are far too hateful and racist to be on a weed site anyway.

It would be funny to watch them beat you up on a dedicated political forum. Have another beer buck. They obviously make you feel better. Lol.
No offense, but this dude Matt Landman seems like a true nutcase. He seems to be into most conspiracy theories (GMOs, false flags, vaccines), even going so far as to support flat earth. Jesus. In looking into him briefly, he does not seem well educated or well informed. I would be wary of him as a source for knowledge...

Well, I don't know about the rest of his work, but that video is pretty good. Good enough that someone, who hasn't seen it over their skys for years, or isn;t in a "test market" should raise an eyebrow. I know what a contrail is and I watch them disappear while other trails linger and spread out over the course of an hour. There are a hundred patents on geoengineering/chemtrails/cloud seeding dating back decades, with the most in the last decade. Plenty of evidence if you have an open mind and don;t just believe that your govt would never do anything to hurt you. :roll:

Maybe you can discredit this popular science article from over a year ago. If some guy from a college is going to try some spraying this year, I think people should take a long hard look. I doubt the govt would just let some professor spray the atmosphere with anything. It's a slow indoctrination for people to get used to the concept. Our govt has been talking about it and doing it since the 50's. Monsanto is heavily invested....Monsanto. how convenient "everything you need to know.." Oh jeeeez.. would ya look at that, Mabel?

Do you think we didn;t know Pearl Harbor was going to be attacked before it was? We created LSD to give soldiers... decades ago. The govt has done radial, crazy shit on its people for a long time.

11 New Cloud Types Named—First in 30 Years

Seems legit. "New clouds"
Well, I don't know about the rest of his work, but that video is pretty good. Good enough that someone, who hasn't seen it over their skys for years, or isn;t in a "test market" should raise an eyebrow. I know what a contrail is and I watch them disappear while other trails linger and spread out over the course of an hour. There are a hundred patents on geoengineering/chemtrails/cloud seeding dating back decades, with the most in the last decade. Plenty of evidence if you have an open mind and don;t just believe that your govt would never do anything to hurt you. :roll:

Maybe you can discredit this popular science article from over a year ago. If some guy from a college is going to try some spraying this year, I think people should take a long hard look. I doubt the govt would just let some professor spray the atmosphere with anything. It's a slow indoctrination for people to get used to the concept. Our govt has been talking about it and doing it since the 50's. Monsanto is heavily invested....Monsanto. how convenient "everything you need to know.." Oh jeeeez.. would ya look at that, Mabel?

Do you think we didn;t know Pearl Harbor was going to be attacked before it was? We created LSD to give soldiers... decades ago. The govt has done radial, crazy shit on its people for a long time.

11 New Cloud Types Named—First in 30 Years

Seems legit. "New clouds"

Thanks for the link to the article, I'm going to read it tonight when I have time. While the CIA did give LSD to soldiers in the 50s, it was invented in Sweden in 1938 and introduced as a commercial medication under the trade-name Delysid for various psychiatric uses in 1947. Would you please post links from credible sources to some of your other claims, specifically that we knew Pearl Harbor was going to be attacked beforehand, and Monsanto being heavily invested in geoengineering? I'm sure the gov't doesn't have our best interests at heart, but I think it's important to be vigilant of where the trouble is actually coming from as opposed to conspiracy theory which would only serve as another distraction...
This thread wasn’t about gun control. It was about ssri’s.

this thread was a pathetic attempt by a ridiculous sock puppet to poison the well.

SSRIs are prescribed in plenty of countries, weekly gun massacres only happen here.

you are one of the most pathetic sock attempts i have ever seen. you are clearly a right wing, white supremacist, food stamp sucking, disability collecting jew hater who has chosen to pose as a liberal jew.

kinda like abe supercro.

at least you and the chemtrails guy are getting along though
Thanks for the link to the article, I'm going to read it tonight when I have time. While the CIA did give LSD to soldiers in the 50s, it was invented in Sweden in 1938 and introduced as a commercial medication under the trade-name Delysid for various psychiatric uses in 1947. Would you please post links from credible sources to some of your other claims, specifically that we knew Pearl Harbor was going to be attacked beforehand, and Monsanto being heavily invested in geoengineering? I'm sure the gov't doesn't have our best interests at heart, but I think it's important to be vigilant of where the trouble is actually coming from as opposed to conspiracy theory which would only serve as another distraction...

Thanks for taking a look. Will you at least humor me and watch the entire video?

It's hard for us to accept it, and since those in power write history, it is difficult to stomach that our leaders would allow such atrocity to happen, but it happens all of the time. I wonder if FDR was reading My Pet Goat to a bunch of school children on that morning and just went back to reading after he was told. We can;t say BuchCo allowed 9/11 to happen because it would mean an investigation, a treason charge, a hanging for a lot of people still alive, and even worse, nobody in America would trust our govt. So, you just have to consider, if it walks like a duck, looks like a duck, sounds like a duck... but we can;t call it a duck. It's kind of like saying the US court system is harder on blacks. Sure, the evidence is there, but you can;t say it because it would mean our system is a farse and everyone in jail would have to be released. Is it just me?
Thanks for taking a look. Will you at least humor me and watch the entire video?

It's hard for us to accept it, and since those in power write history, it is difficult to stomach that our leaders would allow such atrocity to happen, but it happens all of the time. I wonder if FDR was reading My Pet Goat to a bunch of school children on that morning and just went back to reading after he was told. We can;t say BuchCo allowed 9/11 to happen because it would mean an investigation, a treason charge, a hanging for a lot of people still alive, and even worse, nobody in America would trust our govt. So, you just have to consider, if it walks like a duck, looks like a duck, sounds like a duck... but we can;t call it a duck. It's kind of like saying the US court system is harder on blacks. Sure, the evidence is there, but you can;t say it because it would mean our system is a farse and everyone in jail would have to be released. Is it just me?

Screenshot 2018-02-26 at 5.52.42 PM.png
this thread was a pathetic attempt by a ridiculous sock puppet to poison the well.

SSRIs are prescribed in plenty of countries, weekly gun massacres only happen here.

you are one of the most pathetic sock attempts i have ever seen. you are clearly a right wing, white supremacist, food stamp sucking, disability collecting jew hater who has chosen to pose as a liberal jew.

kinda like abe supercro.

at least you and the chemtrails guy are getting along though

Speaking of Jews, is your wife's child Jewish? I'm assuming she will raise him to praise Hitler on weed sites?
The Boy Who Cried Wolf


There once was a shepherd boy named Dick, who was bored as he sat on the hillside watching the village sheep. To amuse himself he took a great breath and sang out, "Wolf! Wolf! The Wolf is chasing the sheep!"

The villagers came running up the hill to help the boy drive the wolf away. But when they arrived at the top of the hill, they found no wolf. The boy laughed at the sight of their angry faces.

"Don't cry 'wolf', shepherd boy," said the villagers, "when there's no wolf!" They went grumbling back down the hill.

Later, the boy sang out again, "Wolf! Wolf! The wolf is chasing the sheep!" To his naughty delight, he watched the villagers run up the hill to help him drive the wolf away.

When the villagers saw no wolf they sternly said, "Save your frightened song for when there is really something wrong! Don't cry 'wolf' when there is NO wolf!"

But the boy just grinned and watched them go grumbling down the hill once more.

Later, he saw a REAL wolf prowling about his flock. Alarmed, he leaped to his feet and sang out as loudly as he could, "Wolf! Wolf!"

But the villagers thought he was trying to fool them again, and so they didn't come. In the village an old man heard the shouting. “Oh no, not that Dick again”, he said, shaking his head. “What’s going on?” enquired another villager. “It’s that Dick again, he just can’t help himself”. “That boy needs to be the center of attention all the time”, said another. “He has five friends and three of them are socks”, added yet another.

Nobody believed that this time there really was a wolf, and nobody got their hoe out, or their axe, or their shovel. All the sticks were left in the sheds and nobody rushed up the hillside. It wasn’t until very much later that afternoon, that the boy sent to take over the shepherding from Dick found dead sheep’s bodies strewn all over the hillside, and Dick still up there in his tree, whimpering, that the villagers found out there really had been a wolf this time.

"There really was a wolf here! The flock has scattered! I cried out, "Wolf!" Why didn't you come?"

An old man tried to comfort the boy as they walked back to the village.

"We'll help you look for the lost sheep in the morning," he said, putting his arm around the youth. But Dick will never learn his lesson, that if you always tell lies, people will eventually stop believing you; and then when you’re telling the truth for a change, when you really need them to believe you, they won’t.
this thread was a pathetic attempt by a ridiculous sock puppet to poison the well.

SSRIs are prescribed in plenty of countries, weekly gun massacres only happen here.

you are one of the most pathetic sock attempts i have ever seen. you are clearly a right wing, white supremacist, food stamp sucking, disability collecting jew hater who has chosen to pose as a liberal jew.

kinda like abe supercro.

at least you and the chemtrails guy are getting along though

I started my first weed forum account 2 july’s ago. Who is the the sock you keep talking about. You have some. What about those. And who is Abe?

And you must know at this point that I would not believe in conspiracy theories.

And I never said ssri’s had anything to do with mass shootings. I heard about that here. They are however being phased out due to many patients reporting problems.

What is wrong with you? You still have not answered one direct question from me in all these posts. Just keep repeating the same ignorant stuff.

I don’t think too many here care about your “definitive” statements about everyone and everything. I am starting to pity you. You are becoming a sad case dude.
UncleBuck has five friends and three of them are socks

I'm sure this thread will be deleted like the last. He doesn;t take criticism well.

He is hitting bottom hard it looks like. I read these forums for a few years before I joined and he used to seem happier and was actually funny and insightful. I still don’t know why he attacked me when I was new. I was agreeing with him and he was ignorant from the first response to me.

I even just tried to communicate again. He doesn’t remember how anymore. It’s kind of sad for a weed site especially. No room for alcoholics in weed growing.
He's so GD angry and extreme, the only difference between him and this guy


is that he MIGHT have a little more feces in his beard.
UncleBuck has five friends and three of them are socks

I'm sure this thread will be deleted like the last. He doesn;t take criticism well.
the last one got deleted when pipsqueak escobar accused me of being up until 1:30 am trolling him.

then i pointed out he was posting at 1:25 am.

and that my last post was at 11:30 pm.

poor guy is too dumb to exist
the last one got deleted when pipsqueak escobar accused me of being up until 1:30 am trolling him.

then i pointed out he was posting at 1:25 am.

and that my last post was at 11:30 pm.

poor guy is too dumb to exist


Wrong. And, you should cry more about that. Seriously, it's helping. But: Is your wife's child Jewish? Will he likewise spend his days, flat broke and drunk, praising Hitler and ISIS on a weed forum? He has dreams too.