SSSC 1980's Catalogue Strain List

Antidote Man

Well-Known Member

Another Antidote Man list for the archives. It took some work, 95% complete..

M1 - Nepali
M2 - Manilla Fillipino
M3 - Durban
M4 - Khyber Afghani
M5 - Creeper
M6 - Indica-Creeper Hybrid
M7 - Khyber Afghani Creeper Hybrid
M8 - Durban Thai Highflyer
M9 - Skunk 1
M10 - Afghani 1
M11 - Skunk 1 Afghani 1 Hybrid
M12 - Skunk 1 Creeper Hybrid
M13 - Afghani/Nepali
M14 - Oakland Indica Hybrid
M15 - Lone Ranger (Nepali Sativa X Michiocan)
M16 - Skunk-Mexican Hybrid
M17 - Khyber Afghani-Nigerian Hybrid
M18 - Primo Hollanditis (Paraguay Sativa)
M19 - Durban-Chitral Hybrid (Connoisseur's Dope)
M20 - Gouda's Glory (Dutch Indica X American Indica)
M21 - Victor Baarn (Special Indoor Strain)
M22 - Amsterdam Delight (Afghani X Indica/Sativa Hybrid)
M23 - Afghani/Nepali-Northern Mexican Hybrid
M24 - Afghani/Nepali-Kerala Hybrid
M25 - Nigerian-Kandahar
M26 - Early Bird (Dutch Cold Resistant Strain)
M27 - Beatrix Choice (Afgani South African)
M28 - Indica-Malawi Hybrid
M29 - Afghani-Malawi Hybrid
M30 - Royal Dutch (South African X Tirah Pakistani)
M31 - William's Wonder (Indoor Indica Hybrid)
M32 - Khyber Afghani-Kerala Hybrid
M33 - Friesland Indica (Cold Resistant Outdoor)
M34 - Kandahar-Michiocan Hybrid
M35 - Nigerian Kandahar Hybrid
M36 - Purple Rain (Afghani X South African Sativa)
M37 - Creeper Afghani 1 Hybrid
M38 - Chitral-Tuguegaro Fillipino Hybrid
M39 - Skunk #1 X Basic #5 Hybrid (Beasters)
M40 - Heavily High (Texas Legend)
M41 - Hawaiian
M42 - Pakistani (Chitral)
M43 - Hoosier Hoot'n Hollar (Indianna Nacked Lady X Mexican)
M44 - Sanora Super Sativa
M45 - Pluton 2 (Outdoor Indica)
M46 - ?
M47 - ?
M48 - South African X Haze
They were using the slang "beasters" back in the 80s or was the something you added in? Feel people weren't using that slang word till the late 90s early 2000s...but what do I know. That is hilarious if they called it beasters...

I remember my boys and I using either the word headies or beasters alot in the early 2000s. Headies were exotic, hand trimmed, high-ends that fetched fucking huge money for pacs. Beasters were mass produced/commercial Canadian dro or soil grow indoors> just you run of the mill Asian bubba specials, usually from Canada. Pretty sure they were using some sort of bubba cut back than for mass produce commercial beasters...talking early 2000s.
I grew three varieties my first grow with store bought seed. Skunk #1 , Friesland and Afghan #1. All gorilla on natural soil with time release fertilizer and P4. No water or even care. Went back in August to pull males. All were topped. Skunks and the afghan were 3 to 4 feet tall. Only surviving freisland was giant and female. Never since have I grown a giant even close even with some care. I lost the whole plant to mold. The Skunks and Afghan didn't see much if any mold damage. At this point in the early 80s I had no clue what mold was. R
I grew three varieties my first grow with store bought seed. Skunk #1 , Friesland and Afghan #1. All gorilla on natural soil with time release fertilizer and P4. No water or even care. Went back in August to pull males. All were topped. Skunks and the afghan were 3 to 4 feet tall. Only surviving freisland was giant and female. Never since have I grown a giant even close even with some care. I lost the whole plant to mold. The Skunks and Afghan didn't see much if any mold damage. At this point in the early 80s I had no clue what mold was. R
You can still get pure friesland seeds kwik seeds has em a got a pile of them myself and a cross of them and erdpurt too to try nedt year
A friend in college and his older brother had gone together on tix to Holland and bought M1 seeds, and they grew some great weed. I had couple seeds, but didn't clone worth a crap and the cuts died. Then I got married and had kids and a career and didn't grow (felony state) for a looong time. Boy, how things in general, and especially the weed, has changed. :blsmoke:
They were using the slang "beasters" back in the 80s or was the something you added in? Feel people weren't using that slang word till the late 90s early 2000s...but what do I know. That is hilarious if they called it beasters...

I remember my boys and I using either the word headies or beasters alot in the early 2000s. Headies were exotic, hand trimmed, high-ends that fetched fucking huge money for pacs. Beasters were mass produced/commercial Canadian dro or soil grow indoors> just you run of the mill Asian bubba specials, usually from Canada. Pretty sure they were using some sort of bubba cut back than for mass produce commercial beasters...talking early 2000s.

I was just wondering the same thing lol.

I'm actually hunting for some M39 right now purely from nostalgia for those beasters days.
Basic#5 is Northern Lights, or became Northern lights. I saw someone in an old thread on this topic saying that M39 was also called 'beasters' back in the day. It seemed legitimate info and not related to the slang 'beasters. I know that word has been thrown around a lot, especially refering to less than highgrade but not brick weed. M19 being called Connoisseur's Dope ' was another 'label' I picked up from an old forum post, it seemed this was someone from Holland who knew what they were talking about. The rest of the labels are 100% taken from the catalog.

Also, I think some of the of the ones at the end of the list that I couldn't find info on.. are Hazes.

As for Beatrix Choice, I have a pack... AKBB has them, along with SSSC M3 Durban, SSSC M8 Durban-Thai Highflyer, SSSC M31 Willaim's Wonder, and SSSC M48 South African X Haze

Friesland is available at many shops, Skunk #1, Afghani #1, Basic/NL, are also, as most of us know. Creeper is still for sale at SSSC reboot, although it apparently isn't the origional. Nothing else they have is either. Odd.

I'm very curious about some of these old American strains, M14 Oakland Indica, M40 Heavily High, M43 Hoosiers Hoot'n Holler, M44 Sanora Super Sativa, M45 Pluton 2

Hoosier Hoot'n Holler may be Indianna Bubblegum, the catalog says it was big in Indianna. Heavily High could be Shoreline, its a 'Texas Legend'. OR not. But who knows. What's for certain is that most of these strains are long gone..

And what this cologue doesn't list are Big bud (American), California Orange, Early Pearl, Swazi, G-13, Hashplant, Four And More (Fourway), Haze X Northern Lights, Ed's "PHET", Indisat, Early Girl, Ruderalis, Hindu Kush, and a lot of the other more modern strains from Sensi and Serious, etc. They were available in a later catalog without the 'M' label. This is all I know.

If anyone else hads more info/history.. please share.
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