Stage 3 to 4 Breast Cancer...HELP


Active Member
Hey RIU,

I recentley found out that my younger sister has stage 3 breast cancer. Thinking my life couldn't get any worse last night I found out it's stage 4! The cancer has spread to her lympth nodes, in her neck and in her bones......I'm gonna fuckn lose my mind and dont have anyone to talk to about this. I need guidance, reassurance.

I just dont know what to do but tell her that I love her and it's gonna be me being me began to prepare for the bumpy ass road ahead since her chemo starts within the next day or 2 began to do research in regards to mmj helping her chemo.

My sister is very "goody goody", very preppy, doesnt do drugs or party. She was just released from the Navy after doing 3 tours over seas for our country. I want her to be not miserable but calm cool and collected. I told her about MMJ main uses were for cancers and stuff and was legalized for people in specific with cancers to help them through chemo and eat, but she wants to become a Federal Agent when this is said and done.....

My question is RIU, If she has stage 4 cancer and get her MMJ card to help her ease her pain in the next weeks. When (and I'm praying) it is in remission could the Federal Government deny her application due to smoking marijuana? Shes worried that when they polygraph her she will be denied for using Marijuana in the last 10 years......does she have a shot or no????

Much Thanks All
i dont really have much to say as reading your post upsets me quiet a bit so gonna get straight to the last point cant u phone them and enquier? tell them whats happenin the medical postistion see where she would stand?. very sorry to hear about your sister thou best of luck to both of u (she will be in my prayers as they say)
Sorry to hear that man, best of luck and health to the both of you. You should definitely inquire, situations vary and I do not see it as a reason for her to not qualify. Especially this day and age.
I hear both of you and really appreciate it. I honestly never thought about calling and asking since it makes the most sense. Should I call and just tell them the entire story or keep it short and ask regarding the lagality of mmj and cancer patients wanting to join the Federal gov.?
Check out Rick Simpsons Cannabis oil

What this dude said. Rick Simpson oil will stop the progression of the cancer immediately, and slowly shrink the tumors. - this is a great video by rick himself, very educational and totally worth your time. Sorry to hear about your sister, thats no good man. About the drug tests - If she takes the oil she will probably be unable to become a federal agent in the future, but then again if she doesn't take the oil there is a good chance she won't have a future in which to become a federal agent...At this point its about priorities. Just my 2 cents. Good luck! If you do go ahead with the treatments do keep us posted, I would love to see how her cancer reacts to the oil.
polygraphs can be lied through, i recommend her to q

A, either not get your script and smoke illegally (legally in some states in very small possesion) and if she gets a drug charge then she wont be a fed either way.

B, get your script and be considered legal at state level and never become a fed, theyll find this information where as not getting her script can give her more privacy and theyll never know unless she picks up a drug charge.

the options are not the best but things in a materialistic lifestyle will always continue to be there even without your sister.

if her materialisti lifestyle is of greater importance than her well being she needs to be given a bowl and told to rethink priorities, im sorry for your family and sister having to deal with such a terrible thing when we have the cure for cancers like this.