Stalled out?


Active Member
Hey, I'm growing lowryder for space and security reasons. it's in it's seedling stage and it's developed one node of leaves after the baby leaves. But it's been like this for two weeks, no sign of the growth continuing. What's going wrong here or am I simply getting paranoid?


Active Member
:peace: Sorry, I forgot it might be helpful to give more details on the environment as it's important to the plant lol. I have two plants, both are stuck in the same stage, both ave their own CFL's equaling 100 watts per plant. Lights are half a foot away, plenty of space given almost zero heat and how small the plants are. No nutes as of yet, providing distilled water every other day, lights are on 24/7 as the lowryder is autoflower only. No topping or clipping of leaf tips, no tampering with baby leaves or training of the plants. Hope the details help, especially as they may make a big difference in your helping me.


Active Member
They are in large sized plastic folgers coffee containers with draining holes and placed into shallow bowls to catch water runoff and extend moisture retension some. The medium is standardized potting soil.


Well-Known Member
Let them dry out good. Ya should have to water them 1 time every 2 weeks if they are seedlings in a coffee container. Ya may have been giving them too much water drowning them.

Too they grow slow at first until the roots have developed and then they grow 1 or2 inches a day.


Active Member
Sweet, I'll give that a shot. I remember reading about that in the growfaq but a friend of mine said lowryders like more water so I went with every other day. Thank you for your insight and (astounded and pleasantly surprized about this) extremely fast reply.:hump:


Active Member
I was purposely trying to stretch them a little bit, but your right torure, I've moved the lights to almost point blank range, I also laid off the water Dirty and the plans are a nicer green, lusher, grew two new leaves practically overnight and the root system has grown almost explosively. Clear signs that my watering every other day was indeed drowning the roots. Kudos to Dirtym Torture: it'll be interesting to see how the closer lights interact with the plants now that the growth has kicked back in thanks to laying off the water.
Good timez


Well-Known Member
Rock on!!! When I had my sprouts under CFL, I kept it about an inch or two away. They'll still generate heat so be mindful.
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Random noise boy

Well-Known Member
get your lights closer, i have me cfl 1" (25mm) away from my plant, and no burning, but i have to ajust the height of the light everyday. try watering everyother day as well when your soil has dried out

Albino King Kong

Active Member
I always had a problem watering lowriders because al of mine had their own diet. It was crazy because I had to run a big rap sheet for each plant. Also the light should always be monitered and with CFLs they can get really close to the sprouts. But you should have some mylar with small CFLs because I have notice the bottom started to die off quickly.


Active Member
All of this has been very helpful. My plants are no longer stalled out. As such is the case how do I close this thread?


Active Member
The current update is kind of bitter sweet, one plant turned out to be male the other female, but I'll be damned if even the male doesn't look frosty! Theyre both gearing up for blooming, hopefully I'll get some decent seed as I want to avoid buying seeds over the internet too many times, you never know when big brother might mannage to catch on. The aerogarden is doing excellent with the lowryders. I did clip the baby leaves after the third node was formed and when the leaves of the third node were doing well I clipped them and trained the offshoots. I actually think the stress boosted the THC development as when I increased the stress considderably the hairs on the leaves grew in number, color and size. I'm not sure of all the correct terminology so I'm just keeping it simple. Well, that's the update, sure wish I could afford to nab a camera to show you guys how awesome the plants are doing.