yes you do, that's why you're in the bag for rawn pawl the racist octogenarian.
businesses that kept blacks out had no problem keeping the lights on and doors open.
your stupid opinion is demonstrably false, history proves it so.
Remove regulatory barriers and all manner of businesses would develop. Some would be dumb enuff to shoot themselves in the foot and others would not. History is rife with government regulations preventing people from freely interacting, ie, "causing" racism. You failed history too, huh?
We are arguing two separate things. You're trying to defend your imaginary black best friend's honor and "right" to dictate what another person will or won't do with their property. Nobody has the right to"own" another persons property or for that matter another person, black or white. They do have the right to "own" their property though, if not, it's not theirs.
I'm trying to defend people's rights to be left alone, IF THAT IS THEIR CHOICE. That would also include the right of any person regardless of race to use their property as they see fit, but not to use or dictate the use of others property.
When people extend their values over others using force, it's akin to slavery. Why do you support slavery tactics? Don't you believe black and brown people should be able to control their own property? I do, even if they prefer not to serve white bleeding heart is after all their property.