Star shaped leaf?

I don't know the strain so I don't know if specific strains do this type of thing. I am also a first time grower (if it isn't obvious already).
You could try fem seeds if just growing one or two, some say they are unstable hermie genetics prone to throw pollen but i found them pretty good
Yeah whatever you do, don't listen to the guy responsible for this series of comments...…..

Monday at 12:57 PM :

You guys are still guessing, when you have a strain that dosent herm wake us up because until that point you got shit.

When you enter into a debate with claims that anyone can prove then why arent you? Go breed your genetics and prove me wrong, some of us been waiting thirty forty years for some noob tobreed strains tgat dont herm because it is That Easy!

Monday at 1:33 PM :

When you learn genetics you see everything is genetic but you give no context between a trait and something that is unchangable.

You and others say its breeding, were waiting for the simple breeding that would prove your points.

If you re read my comments you will see i have described and explained the problems you face in proving your points and why no one has a stable strain that dosent contain the genetic ability to herm.

Not sure why its so hard to understand except your refusal to learn genetics to the level one would need to understand a very complex system.

Monday at 2:03 PM

You havent answered the question, if it is as you think wtf are your genetics that dont herm, simple as finding two non herms and breeding them then every seed and line would not be able to herm ever.

Im waiting for you to prove just one of your points with an actual breeding pattern that should be simple to follow.

Nothing you say about herms makes sense or explains why every strain in existence can herm and often does here in so many new grows of the same strains and seed pros use who never get herms.

Not here to go round in circles waiting for you to answer the obvious problems of your assumptions.

Monday at 2:16 PM

Its not a trait, serated leaves isnt a trait, a trait means breedable not what the underlying template of dna is. Genetics is actually quite distinct on certain facts here.

There are no citations, no one studies cannabis in that capacity or has that capacity led to a peer review on the exact systems within cannabis that cause a plant to herm.

Total grey area. open for you to submit any crazy idea.

Monday at 2:25 PM

Sorry but you have yet to understand the complexity of plant sex, plants arent like simple male female at a genetic level and the hermie genetics not even linked to plant sex but stress.


Tuesday at 2:51 AM

Except it dosent and the true non herm seeds end up as herms in another new growers tent whilst the full herns end up not herms in a pros tent.

If it were as simple as breeding then we could breed but not once has this breeding pattern been replicated!