Start college tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Maybe you'll get laid, theirs lots of drinking at college.
Seriously though college is such a waste of time and money...

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Get a digital recorder. Take it to every class. Record everything the professor says. Go home. Transcribe pertinent information. Also, learn how to study effectively. Google it and you can get some damn good information on how to maximize your study time. There are some great techniques on note taking and reading comprehension. Good luck. :)


Well-Known Member
Also, you must realize there are different groups of people.

Group 1 : GPA 3.3-4.0 (B+ to A)<<< these people go home and study & wake up early on the weekends to study. Grades are number one to them and lack a large social life.(not always a bad thing) They have good honest friends)

Group 2 : GPA 2.7-3.2(C+ to B)<<< These people study when they come home from school but do like to go out on the weekends and party

Group 3 : GPA 2.0- 2.6(C to C+) <<< These people cram for tests and end-up getting mid-60's as a grade, but the professor likes them so they pass. They party more than 3 days a week all other times they play call of duty

Group 4 : GPA: (FAILING - Dropout) <<<<These are the kids that go to school to party. They never study, they just go out and find parties around campus. Normally they are the kids that daddy makes go to school but they really don't want to. They hate going to class therefore have a piss attitude towards the professor and receives no gratitude form the professor.

You will be one of the above decide what you want. If you see your self doing things in other groups ask yourself will you be happy with that grade.
just because my gpa is 3.8 doesnt mean i study 24/7, have no friends/social life. i get wasted, smoke weed, tons of friends, and go out on the weekend. its not hard to pull good grades if you go to class and pay attention, occasionally study, and read the chapters


Well-Known Member
lol i want to transfer to a uc, so i better bust my ass.

btw beardo, going to college isnt a waste. I dont want to waste my talents by ignoring my brain


Well-Known Member
lol i want to transfer to a uc, so i better bust my ass.

btw beardo, going to college isnt a waste. I dont want to waste my talents by ignoring my brain
Sounds like being uninovative to me. Anything taught in college has allready been done and is there fore unorigional- School is just plagiarism on a grand scale, everyone copying and memorising someone elses work. If you just want to work for someone doing what your told- Go to college.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like being uninovative to me. Anything taught in college has allready been done and is there fore unorigional- School is just plagiarism on a grand scale, everyone copying and memorising someone elses work. If you just want to work for someone doing what your told- Go to college.
I want to learn.... there is a whole world of stuff i have yet to learn, and I want to gain knowledge. I want to put my brain to use, since it is my one major talent. I want to go to school, find what I love, and do it. Im not doing it so I can get a tidy little desk job at a coporation, Im doing it so I can do what I love and not struggle my whole life like my whole family has. College is the only way I can advance


Well-Known Member
Sounds like being uninovative to me. Anything taught in college has allready been done and is there fore unorigional- School is just plagiarism on a grand scale, everyone copying and memorising someone elses work. If you just want to work for someone doing what your told- Go to college.
for harder majors there are aplications. so when you get paid you dont go and do the math to figure out if your being cheated. or at the 7/11 because you dont know if that indian can count.

there are other applications beyond that with higher math that are just as convenient.


Well-Known Member
what year? Nice i found chemistry interesting especially bio. analytically was cool to tho.
senior, have 3 more classes to take till i grad, biochem, calc2 and a core psych class. analytical was fun bc you get to use the real instruments that 90% of chemisty work is done on gcms, hplc, uv-vis, FTIR. i love a digi scale that goes to 5 decimal places. bios my minor.


Well-Known Member
for harder majors there are aplications. so when you get paid you dont go and do the math to figure out if your being cheated. or at the 7/11 because you dont know if that indian can count.

there are other applications beyond that with higher math that are just as convenient.
you can learn without attending college
Henry Ford didn't finish high school, I hear he was pretty sharp


Well-Known Member
dam at my school chemistry is a pre-req for my engineering school. I love all science but dam i feel cheated out of a degree now. I took basic chemistry you know like Lewis dot diagrams and ph buffers . Analytic, then bio.

If you like chem then you will like physics. if you are taking an atomic physics class you will understand more clearly most of the rules your chemistry teacher tells you is true, and to take his word for it.


Well-Known Member
you can learn without attending college
Henry Ford didn't finish high school, I hear he was pretty sharp

Albert Eisenstein failed out of school . there will still be genius created out there and if your not greater knowledge takes a second.


Well-Known Member
dam at my school chemistry is a pre-req for my engineering school. I love all science but dam i feel cheated out of a degree now. I took basic chemistry you know like Lewis dot diagrams and ph buffers . Analytic, then bio.

If you like chem then you will like physics. if you are taking an atomic physics class you will understand more clearly most of the rules your chemistry teacher tells you is true, and to take his word for it.
ive taken all the physics at my school + quantum chemisty, thermodynamics, orgo1 and 2, inroganic 1 and 2, and much more...a year of basic chem was required for all upper level classes.


Well-Known Member
the only people that think college is a waste of time are those who:

1) failed out of college
2) never made it into college
3) finished college but never really learned anything.

there's PLENTY of these to go around....