Start of new grow- 15 days old- How am I doing?


Well-Known Member
sounds good man. Taker easy. This is where mine is at atm. Its a cfl set up. My only downfall is temps. Hows it look to you? Its slowly recovering lol


Active Member
She looks fine. Definatly can tell she went through a rough time. ha. Your at the same pace im at man. My leaves are huge though for some reason. The only thing i really need is a ph tester. Then ill have everything perfect. Cant wait till both our plant turn out buddy.


Well-Known Member
Hey buddy, I've moved from the closet to a grow box i made for damn near nothing man. Here are a few pictures. My temps are way bettter . Between 75-85 now. I got proper exhaust and intake now. My baby has been in this box for 2 days and link doubled. Here is a few pics man.


Active Member
Hey buddy, I've moved from the closet to a grow box i made for damn near nothing man. Here are a few pictures. My temps are way bettter . Between 75-85 now. I got proper exhaust and intake now. My baby has been in this box for 2 days and link doubled. Here is a few pics man.
Here they are. Getting pretty big now man!:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Nice man! Those are getting big! Looking nice and healthy. I've been working crazy hours and shift work sucks lol. But mine is doing pretty good as well. Note quite as big as yours i don't think but the third node is coming in. What are u working with for lights? Ill post some pictures tomorrow when i get home.


Active Member
I got a huge 42 watt cfl in the middle between both plants. I have 5 other 26 watt cfls hanging on the sides and above both plants. I got a bunch of little 13 watts to put in once the plant gets bigger to help the lower leaves get some light. Bout to start feeding them nutrients next watering. And hopefuly moving from that little box into another. Do you think I should put them in one huge box or seprate or just wide open? I have plenty of lights to work with.


Active Member
I got a huge 42 watt cfl in the middle between both plants. I have 5 other 26 watt cfls hanging on the sides and above both plants. I got a bunch of little 13 watts to put in once the plant gets bigger to help the lower leaves get some light. Bout to start feeding them nutrients next watering. And hopefuly moving from that little box into another. Do you think I should put them in one huge box or seprate or just wide open? I have plenty of lights to work with.
Just feed both plants 1/4 strength of grow terra yesturday. She perked up real nice today. I get some pics up sometime today.:weed:


Active Member
Yep I sure can. I was actually just thinking about that myself. Kinda low on cash so you think I cud just use a piece of paper and shape it like a cone, the put the light in the cone, and have the cord hang out the pointy side of the paper cone?


Well-Known Member
Nice looking plants bro, what is your photoperiod now? Looks like you're going to have one sexy cola on it.