Started flowering todayy double underdog


Well-Known Member
If your goal was one large cola, you are on track to meet the goal. Healthy looking plant, but I would have done some topping or pinching or something to encourage branching and more colas. The plant looks healthy and I'm sure it will yield nicely.

Happy Harvesting :)


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Micronutrients are trace elements, like copper, zinc, iron, boron, etc.... though used in much smaller quantities than N-P-K-, they are just as important. They ensure proper cell functions and the plants ability to make, store energy, utilize mobile nutes, etc.

PH balance refers to a mediums alkalinity or acidity. 7.0 is neutral. Anything higher is alkaline, and lower is acidic. Most nutrients beneficial for soil growers can be utilized in a PH of about 5.0 - 8.0, with 6.5 being the recommended.

Jose Diaz

thanks ive been searching right now,,i wanted to know if you have had experience in lst and can i do it right now while its flowering


Well-Known Member
No, LST is for early growth before stems get thick and woody. You can read all about it in the link I provided earlier. I apologize, however this seems to have become a conversation between just the teo of us. I'll back out and encourage others to post as well.

Jose Diaz

thanks,seems your the only one to be helping been herer for about a week and this is the most replys ive looking into super cropping


Active Member
way too late to try and super crop bro... Those sorts of techniques (LST/Supercropping) need to be done to somewhat pliable stems to ensure you don't snap anything. Your plant is a bit far along to try those. Did you do any trimming in the vegetative stage already? Your plant looks like its had a couple manicuring sessions already I wouldn't mess with her too much more at this point. Too much stress will hermie or reduce yield substantially.


Well-Known Member
u can still supercrop i do it all the time in flowering. jus pinch the branch until u here a snap and u can bend it gently and tie down cux they tend to go uprite if u dont tie


Well-Known Member
bend the stem like at the 2nd or 3rd node down u want the stem kine flexible and not to stiff but pinch it first till u can hear a snap