Started flowering todayy double underdog

Jose Diaz

hey guys welll today is 3rd day of flowering i decided to lst i bent the middle to bring the top down take a look,,,the tips are still curling from yesterday i also flushed today hopefully she will be okay now.IMG00204.jpgIMG00205.jpgIMG00201.jpgIMG00199.jpgIMG00196.jpgIMG00197.jpgIMG00200.jpgIMG00203.jpgIMG00202.jpgIMG00198.jpg

Jose Diaz

hey guys my some of my leaves turn yellow from tip and some are dying i just got a ph kit yesterday and did a flush yesterday
combo of ph and nutrient toxicity leache medium and should be good in like five or six days use a quater strength solution or deluted

Darwin Riddle

Well-Known Member
I have a spot just like that, on my plant, and it was caused by contact with a light. People say your plants can be touching your cfls, without harm, but they can and will burn your leaves!