Started flowering way too early


Active Member
image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg plants started to flower way too early need some help getting them back into veg mode they were started from seed March 26.
I have added a fluorescent light to increase the light cycle. They have been in a big window and will be planted outside in June. This is the first time this is happened to me in five years of growing outdoor.

Do I cut the flowers off or leave them alone? All help appreciated.


Well-Known Member
look at the stretch on the plant . classic sigh of the plant searching for light . and non was found. and it flowered . if its an out door plant , then plant it . if its an indoor plant . then its a loss my opinion . because it will not yield even a ounce. under even a 1000 watt light . to much stretch .


Well-Known Member
Yeah, if the plant was in a window there was no way it was getting more than 12 hours of light a day. I agree with rd116. Put it under 24/0 and yank it out of flower.


Active Member
They will be outdoor plants but I cannot put them out until June I've been growing this way for years and never had this problem however it has been overcast for the last two weeks I think that might've been why. So my questions are if I put them outside in June do you think they will reveg and grow according to the sun?

I think new vegetative growth is starting to show. I hammered them with N nutrients and put them under fluorescent light to mimic 15 hours of sunlight.

FYI the strains are Ultimate Orange bud and LSD


Well-Known Member
STOP PUTTING YOUR PLANTS OUT SO DAMN EARLY GUYS YEESH! :wall: they never learn. every year someone new is gonna put them out early in hopes of growing trees and then flower early. man am I tired of seeing the, "flowering too soon " threads


Active Member
Well mr. Marijuana420 I do agree with you people do put their plants out too early however this is not the case. I've started seeds the same date for five-years. I have had Lots of success as you can see in
the picture. I start my seeds when my area of the world northern Canada has over 14 hours of sunlight ,increasing everyday, Because this has never happened to me before I posted a thread to get some advice. I have fix ed the problem. Like I said before I hammered them with N nutrients and stuck a fluorescent light behind it to mimic the sun rise and sunset. But I do thank you for your advice oh wait a minute no I don't ,you didn't give any. Thank you to everybody else and anyone else who has some advice keep it coming!!

