Started LST'ing, am I doing this correctly? Hopefully...


Well-Known Member
Just as the title says, moved into LST'n at about week 4-5 of vegetation.... still no signs of sex but I'm still praying for my lil girl! For some reason, I just have this feeling it's a female, don't ask why... just a feeling or I wouldn't even be going through all of this!! lol

Anyways, after studying the LST methods i went with it like this.... I plan to follow this guide....;_ylt=A0PDoX5TrYdO5TIAK9qJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTBlMTQ4cGxyBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1n?

I'd like to get it into a nice size "bush", it was already kind of bushy but was starting to stretch on me (as I figured it would eventually)... I did this last night BTW and the new leaves on top (coming in) are already growing upwards again! (I guess that's a good sign) And it's starting to smell like fresh mary jane! I just don't know why my leaves come in so green and beautiful and then start to look like crap, I almost think I may have a bug problem!!! :evil: Do fleas like mary j? The very bottom leaves are from the previous transplant and nute burn (should I cut them off at the base?), I went from acid killing, pre fed MG soil to some organic stuff I made myself and nute myself.... anyways here's some pics, does it look like it's done correctly?




I tied one string at the bottom of the "stalk" one way (to avoid the roots from pulling out - even though I doubt they would have cuz the rootball on this thing is RIDICULOUS!) and another (hemp :-o ) string right under the top set of full branches/leaves in the opposite direction.... again, look at that link, that's the guide I plan to follow. All that being said, I probably won't do it ALL the way around to the edges of the pot! Atleast a small "circle" though.... whatcha think?

:peace: :joint: :mrgreen: <---- PEACE LOVE AND HAPPY'NESS!!!
Looking swagalicious. IMO, i'd use something a little more loose and try to train the nodes, not the main stalk of the plant. You want to open the main bush of the plant up so the new growth can get as much light as possible. Love the use of the hemp BTW!
Looking swagalicious. IMO, i'd use something a little more loose and try to train the nodes, not the main stalk of the plant. You want to open the main bush of the plant up so the new growth can get as much light as possible. Love the use of the hemp BTW!

Well I think the purpose of this certain type of training is when the stalk is bent, the light GETS to the bottom of the plant to help it grow.... I don't know though, could be wrong! This is just what I was referred to, in order to keep the plant nice, short and bushy! And WTH is "swagalicious"? lol
So pretty much I'll have SEVERAL collas after LST'n instead of just one massive one.... almost like timming.
i wait till it gets 18" or so, then ill take a 6-8" top off it for future cloning fun, then i wait around a week for the bottom shoots to grow out a bit, then i'll LST every shoot so that each one is horizontal, then i throw the fucker in flower and in 2-3 weeks youll have the start of a fuckin bushy green plant filled with topheads peeking out at you
Yea I don't have the option of growing an 18 inch plant honestly though! Plus i don't even know of this baby is a female, I'm starting to think so though due to the smell this SMALL plant is putting off, the shortness of it and the preflower positions. We'll see what happens, I'm going to get a cpl more branches up and LST the top again going in a circular motion until I reach a size I like. Its already growing straight back up again and almost have those two more branches! So it wont be long at the pace she's (hopefully she!) growing! Check out my other thread, I'm updating it right now with the newest pictures! I believe its called "undercover cfl grow.... coming along ok?" Sorry i can't link it, I'm having to use my phone to post because my CPU crashed last night >:(