started my own crossbreed


Well-Known Member
Picture 026.jpgPicture 025.jpgPicture 024.jpgthis is sannies jackberry-x- greenhouse superlemon hazePicture 022.jpgfirst time trying this all comments & quesyions welcome:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Picture 009.jpgPicture 007.jpgPicture 008.jpgPicture 015.jpgPicture 006.jpgi havent decided on rebreeding or to isolate a pheno or phenos & keep cloning i really liked superlemonhaze i hope to keep some of its qualities & at some point i would like to breed some killing fields back into it my goal is to introduce slh smell & bud structure to killing fields yield & color potency of both strains is pretty good here is pics of current killing fields grow


Well-Known Member
I'm growing out a critical mass X g13 that my friend bred. He hasn't even grown any of it out himself yet. I hope i get a pheno with the high yield of the critical mass and the dank was of the g13. I'd call it Critical G. Or maybe G Mass, not sure yet. I'll decide when it's done.


Well-Known Member
i grew out what was supposed to be g-13 & it grew tall & potent wasit the genuine deal??? ill never know but it was good there is much debate about the existance of original g-13