Started one outside and moved it inside.. need advice, and lots of it


Well-Known Member
Is this ok, or will it freak it out and kill it? I try to move it back outside when it's warm enough... it's already atleast three weeks into flowering.. but i'm using some real ghetto shit inside.. one of those spiral GE bulbs the specs are as follows

Soft white
950 Lumens
8000 hours of life

I have one, but trying to upgrade.. (Niggas is broke these days) sitting on 5 plants.. one is flowering, the other's a friend had brought down and they were stretching really bad.. but after some TLC and sunlight, they're making a recovery... I have 'em next to a window that gets a fair amount of direct sunlight through it, so I can open and let light through when it's too cold to go outside..

Le's be honest.. I'm doing all I can for the little one's.. always cultivating the dirt, watering 'em, putting them on the light and setting them as close to the window as possible.. but my baby is numbe rone to me.. so she gets most of the attention... my question is, with the lack of a proper system like I just described, is this gonna be ok? I'm trying to get it through to harvest.. I want the other's to flourish, but they're living with one more mature than they are.. so they're operating on the same schedule as the older plant..

Should I set them on the same 12/12 schedule, or maybe set the olde rone on like say, a 16/8 schedule to help the smaller one's?

do I need to go hold up some place for some cash or sell my sex on the streets for more money to afford more lights.. I understand more is better. but remember, niggas is broke these days.. so i'm doing the best I can, is this enough to keep them healthy and alive?

also, when the one is done, I don;t wanna cut it down.. I'd like to let it live and continue to get use from it.. is that possible? If so, what happens when all the buds have been harvested? Does it continue to bud, or does it start it's life cycle over, or does it just die? Please help


Well-Known Member
Well i would put off the holding up a store, if(when) you get caught you will regret it.Just give it TLC and pray for the best.I know it wasnt much help but it seemed as if you were jonesing for an answer :)


Well-Known Member
yeah, like a heroin addict in the methadone line...

yeah, I wasnt really gonna hold up a store.. know how pissed i'd be if I did all that and only got like $15.20? I cant buy gas to go find a sack for that..


Well-Known Member
read my thread on my outdoor to indoor transplant. It was hard, but here's the best advice I can give...
They are going to go through shock. Make sure you have them each in 5 gallon pots. Use a good soil, and hopefully you didn't damage the roots when you dug them up. They will need a lot more lights. I had 2 under a 600 watt HPS... get as many lights as you can afford, and get them in the daylight spectrum, 6500k. Let the soil get pretty dry before you water them. I let mine get crispy on top and dry when I inserted my finger into the soil. After they get like that, water them with plain water. Let them get this dry again, then find some type of nutrient that will relieve stress. I used 1/4 tsp per gallon of Kool Bloom. Foxfire farm has a good one too, that is only $13 for the small bottle, thats all you'll need. Continue watering them like this until they pull outta shock, it took mine atleast 2 weeks. GET NEEM OIL. I had spider mites in my flowering room BAD from the outdoors. Spray the leaves with a mixture of neem oil, dishsoap, and water. Go light, but follow the bottle's instructions. THIS STEP IS NECESSARY!!!!
After mine recovered from shock, a lot of the remaining fan leaves yellowed, then crisped, and I cut them off. During this process my plant grew and flowered WAY quicker than it ever did outdoors. It turned out great, but I had to take it a little early because I didn't catch my spider mites quick enough. Good luck, message me if you have any other questions