Started seed 7 weeks ago here is my room


Active Member
Thought I would repost with new pics and see what you all thought I have a few of questions and need some thoughts.

Hey you guys I'm a young person trying to get an idea going and keep it perpetual .. I hate the idea of trying to find smoke when you do not have so I want to always have it and a little extra to keep on expanding and growing the operation bigger right now I'm pursuing a degree in Botany and horticulture currently and will have my own little strain someday and seed .. I thought I would ask the community what they thought of these, and to get some feed back
What you guys think here ... I have been using this in veg ... should I use there other product for flowering MaxiBloom ?? Check out the results below and the conditions grown in.

Strains Indica and sativa's from seed.
sativas being about 1.5 -2 ft
indicas about 1- 1.5 ft
* and just a few cucumbers*

Median- Soil based
Ph 6.5-7
Lightng-400w MH on veg 36 hours on 2 off
Side lighting with cheap floresent and plant light.
soil-1/4 scrub mix 1/4 perlite 1/2 potting soil fairly bland ... should have went 1/2 perlite 1/2 potting soil or something of that nature.
Nutrients and water- MaxiGro 10-5-14 NPK in full dose every 3 days, and water every 24-36 hours.
Room 3x6 but 21 plants grown in 2x4 before unsexed.
Ventilation exhaust vent with no fan.
one Isolating fan in room pulls air in from outside threw zipper in door .. Grow room stays between 80-86 day at night it drops to 74-80 ... I need to reconstruct and upgrade I know. I just run air duck out the window and conceal.

Just about 7 weeks old tell what you guys think here I figure to be well off on turn over light cost .. personal smoke ... and turnover to expand .. I'm shooting for 2 lbs with a 4 month grow cycle in soil median from seed! I crazy ... I think that will be enough as well to expand and profit to go again .. and then again.

here is how it all started and my project
just thought I would show my little project.

Here's how they look now at almost 7 weeks not to bad .. think I can pull this off in 4 months.

Those were taken yesterday these today with better light and Camera.

What do other use before and in flowering stages for best yeild! Should I stay with Maxi series?
Based on that though is there other nutrients I should add during the flowering or just add the Maxi Bloom call it a day and flush for 2 weeks??
I saw a post on here with a guy that used his MH for flowering ... I have a HPS of course but what about MH+HPS and florescent will this benefit me that guy with the MH did not have good density on his product ... Should I go all 3 spectrums?

Tell me what you all think or share some tips or ask some questions? I hope you can answer some of mine above.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
lol you like posting your grow. i seen this in a different thread. looks good but you know about the containers lol.


Well-Known Member
Great setup, and great plants Cadaver : ). As for other things to use during flowering there are tons and tons of supplements. If you have a local hydro store you can go in and look at all the eye candy bottles lol. They do make a difference but its not as good as the bottles says. I would save your money and use molasses. 2 tbs a gallon during flowering, will help swell your buds up, and get them nice and crystally.

Best of luck with the rest of your grow mate <3