Startin to get tired of weed


Well-Known Member
i reckon your not growing good enough weed. if you were growin good enough weed like say kush which is a strong indica you would'nt be needing any fkn pills man. grow some good "ORGANIC" kush and forget the pills man. i think this is the cause of the problem. :bigjoint:
Yeah your right, bro. I haven't grown in 6 months. The best I can find is high mids. It don't do shit for me...I got seeds ready to go tho. I just been putting off starting them. Hopefully, some good bud will cure me.:weed:


Well-Known Member
Its progressive douche bag, And I never judged you, just gave you warnings on what to look out for, because Seen it all heard it all, once you go tired of something, you crave bigger, badder, stronger. "If I felt myself getting hooked" Famous last words

Next thing you know we will see you on COPS twitching and shit
LoL ...I don't like 'uppers'. I've done coke a few times. Never liked it any of those times. It's kind of hard to get addicted to something u don't like;-)


grow my firend... that'll bring your love for the herb back... and you'll love smoking your harvest a lot more than some shit you get off the streets...

i'm sure you got something good to grow!


Well-Known Member
grow my firend... that'll bring your love for the herb back... and you'll love smoking your harvest a lot more than some shit you get off the streets...

i'm sure you got something good to grow!
Hey, Lumberjack. What's up good buddy? I'm getting my growroom ready right now. I think your right. I just need to start growing again... But, yeah I got a lot of good stuff to grow:-P


actually thunderfuck is one i've been wanting to run for a while... was supposed to get some cuts a while back but that fell through, oh well

i hear it has a lovely chocolately smell and kinda tastes like grapes, if i'm not mistaken.... 1000w will do ya good, i'm just rocken the 400w...

you gonna do soil? ever think about trying soilless (i.e. hempy?)

nice talkin with ya again buddy... let's hope we can get your interests corrected... =p


Well-Known Member
WTF?!?!?:wall::wall::wall: Who takes a pill to get high?
Like half the population. Do u live under a rock or something.
But, seriously. I just got off work and popped a methadone. I feel so good right now it's rediculous.
You sound like the perfect candidate to become an opiate addict bro good luck with that one!:wall:


Well-Known Member
actually thunderfuck is one i've been wanting to run for a while... was supposed to get some cuts a while back but that fell through, oh well

i hear it has a lovely chocolately smell and kinda tastes like grapes, if i'm not mistaken.... 1000w will do ya good, i'm just rocken the 400w...

you gonna do soil? ever think about trying soilless (i.e. hempy?)

nice talkin with ya again buddy... let's hope we can get your interests corrected... =p
Yeah just soil. I'm a lil scared to try anything else. lol My dads been trying to talk me into doing a hydro setup. Idk tho. Soil is just more forgiving........
But, yeah, I'm hoping I can go back to my normal self. Hopefully b4 I start smoking crack:lol:
You sound like the perfect candidate to become an opiate addict bro good luck with that one!:wall:
Hey thanks man:hug:
This coming from the guy who got a dui for blowing a .70 supposedly :roll:


Well-Known Member
Yeah just soil. I'm a lil scared to try anything else. lol My dads been trying to talk me into doing a hydro setup. Idk tho. Soil is just more forgiving........
But, yeah, I'm hoping I can go back to my normal self. Hopefully b4 I start smoking crack:lol:

Hey thanks man:hug:
This coming from the guy who got a dui for blowing a .70 supposedly :roll:
Hey I corrected myself ( it was a .47), I looked at my hospital report remember? I don't drink much at all anymore but most of my friends who I drank with are dead from pills/alcohol, in jail, or still at it. I never said I was perfect but I'm not going to give you props for popping methadone bro. I got lucky I just hope you do too. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Alright I'm sorry man....
I think u should try it b4 u knock it, tho. U might be givin me props then:lol:
I have smoked opium before but never done methadone. I really just prefer weed though and I have seen first hand the effects of other drugs on people very close to me. I have lost good friends to hard drugs:sad: So trust me I would not be giving you props. On the flip side I watched two of my friends who have since died of cancer experience a dramatic improvement in their quality of life due to marijuana. I really think that marijuana is a healing drug and many of our man made drugs have the potential to be quite destructive.


Well-Known Member
I just thought i would throw my two cents in. My motto is everything in "Moderation" it's easy to understand smoking every day for five years would lead to burnout, IMO anything you do consistently for that long of a period of time can lead to burnout. Smoke some weed maybe once a day for a couple days, then take a break. Also if you take a break and flush your system, it takes less to get high and the high is great.
Hard stuff leads to hard problems,and harder times keep it herbal
:) :)
Just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
I just thought i would throw my two cents in. My motto is everything in "Moderation" it's easy to understand smoking every day for five years would lead to burnout, IMO anything you do consistently for that long of a period of time can lead to burnout. Smoke some weed maybe once a day for a couple days, then take a break. Also if you take a break and flush your system, it takes less to get high and the high is great.
Hard stuff leads to hard problems,and harder times keep it herbal
:) :)
Just my opinion.
Good motto bro, I agree. :peace:


Well-Known Member
man do as much drugs as you want, just stay away from gear and meth and youll be ok. pills are great! and the good thing about them is that you will get tired of them too. ive been taking pills 8 years and no adverse affects. youd be better off getting some mdma though. much cleaner.


Active Member
i got sick of it but then i relized i was smoking bammer, :(

so i found a new dealer got some diffrent bud and it was all good!

chronic vegan

Active Member
addiction to pills can and will take hold of your life QUICKLY!!!
AS someone who has in his 43 years of life has expereinced addictions to many types of drugs. Pills is a suicide run!! Unless suicide is a thought in the back of your mind???
What I learned and have practiced for the last 12 years "stick with the weed" no need for the other crap!! I have done it all for you. so you dont have to...
Or maybe go clean and sober for a while?? it's okay.
See were ur soul takes you????????????????????


Active Member

Get back into bud by learning to cross pollinate... make your own strain that gets you like you want.

Stay away from the pills man.. i know way too many Xanny heads and they are all dumb as a brick. One dude i know took 12 Xanax, 2 percs, drank a 6 pack, smoked some meth, bud and crack, and snotted a few lines in 1 night.. woke up in rehab in fucking AZ.. didnt see him for 3 months.. He came back, was clean cept for bud for 5 weeks, then went back to rehab for all the same shit. The kid is a nice guy, not too sketchy since ive known him for a good 6 years or so, but you can tell hes done too many pills and other things.

Just learn to cross pollinate and make your own strain man.. do whatever you can to stay away from pills, of all kinds.


Well-Known Member
my roomate had this problem last year he smoked everyday all day for a long time because his "occupation". what helped him was cutting back. instead of smoking with everyone that came over which was roughly about 10 people a day he would only smoke like 3x a day. he said when he started doing this he would get higher when he did smoke and it made him feel normal(for lack of a better word) .it could also be the environment your smoking in like who you smoke with, where you smoke, and what you do afterwards. not knockin on your friends or anything but a change of scenery may help