Starting 12/12 tomorrow - 600w - 3 bagseed in 4x4x6.5' tent - any tips??


So I just received my (bigass) tent today and should be getting my 600w tomorrow. I've been vegging for 42 days now under 2 - 23w CFL and a 2' 4-bulb T5 setup. Two of the three bagseed plants look unreal. Very low and very bushy. Any suggestions for putting these ladies into 12/12 tomorrow? Is it ok to feed them nutes when I put them in there or should I hold off until they've adjusted to the new lighting schedule? Is there anything else I should/need to do before I adjust the time? Any and all help appreciated. Oh and here's some pics of the beauties before they switch over ::FINGERS CROSSED FOR FEMALES::



Well-Known Member
I would top the less bushy ones and veg for another couple of weeks. Plants look super healthy BTW but jesus christ plants grow slow in soil.


I would top the less bushy ones and veg for another couple of weeks. Plants look super healthy BTW but jesus christ plants grow slow in soil.
There's really only 1 less bushy one which I've considered tossing all together (it's a bagseed afterall). But considering I just got this tent I might just throw it in to sex it and see what happens. And yeah I've seen a reduction in growth the last week or so. The soil (FFOF) has seemed to dry way slower since I flushed them last week. I haven't watered them since the 21st and they are still wet about 2 inches deep. I'll give them til tomorrow but I want to feed them again soon. Can anyone answer whether or not I can feed them before I go 12/12?


Nice looking plants. Especially the big one. Hope it's a girl.
Me too....

and just a sidenote I actually did top the "shittier" one of three. It's still got some issues but as I said it's just a bagseed....I'm just kind of experimenting. I LST'd the two bigger ones and have some pretty nice results from what I can tell (first medical grow). I've also got a couple Kalashnikova's going which I'm going to continue vegging for a couple more weeks. Any criticisms?


Well-Known Member
I would top the less bushy ones and veg for another couple of weeks. Plants look super healthy BTW but jesus christ plants grow slow in soil.
Better drainage and faster wet and dry cycles speed up soil grown plants to some extent but still hydro/aero has the advantage, daily growth isnt too much different between the two but add that up over three months and yer soil is a lot slower.

12/12 is not really the start of flower for me, start of flower is when the buds start to first form and lots of flowers grow each day then thats the start of flowering, takes a week or so to pre-flower before it flowers basically. Add a week or two onto the strain guide and thats roughly the 12/12 time you'll need imo.

Ease bloom nutes in slowly, wait till actual flower then increase over the grow slowly so by week 4/5 your adding two thirds more bloom than grow, well thats how i do it with the Biobizz, too much P/K at the start of flowering can give you a lockout of iron etc etc, they just dont go from one extreme to the other.

I hope you got a decent ruck or inline fan for that 600watt, air cooled hoods are all the fashion these days if you still run at high temps. Peace


Well-Known Member
Me too....

and just a sidenote I actually did top the "shittier" one of three. It's still got some issues but as I said it's just a bagseed....I'm just kind of experimenting. I LST'd the two bigger ones and have some pretty nice results from what I can tell (first medical grow). I've also got a couple Kalashnikova's going which I'm going to continue vegging for a couple more weeks. Any criticisms?
None that I can think of. I think you're doing really well.


Well-Known Member
Just a thought, and I will say that I only grow my mothers in soil but I would really really really wait until that soil drys out a lot more. Plant roots need a lot of oxygen, if you are over watering it can damage your roots and it will stunt growth. Plants roots will actually be stimulated to grow when they dry out.


Well-Known Member
Just a thought, and I will say that I only grow my mothers in soil but I would really really really wait until that soil drys out a lot more. Plant roots need a lot of oxygen, if you are over watering it can damage your roots and it will stunt growth. Plants roots will actually be stimulated to grow when they dry out.
When someone said add 40% to 50% perlite to my soil i was like WHAT!!! Now im at 40% all the time. If your soil dosent drain by 5 days then add more drainage to the next soil mix as a rule of thumb. Some would prefer soil to drain every 3/4 days but i find this hard to achieve in a larger pot. Peace


Thanks for the responses guys. I'm really looking forward to what these babies do once they hit the 600w HPS flower room. I will say that I have been pretty good about watering (every 2-4 days as necessary), but after I flushed them the other day is when they've retained the most water. It looks like lastnight they recovered from the flushing and are now back to growing...

Side note: I just received my lights/reflector/ballast etc etc and am a little stumped. I'm trying to figure out how the reflector connects to my yoyo hangers? Can anyone help a brother out with this one? Theres like little holes at the bottom of the yoyo but nothing on the reflector itself to attach it I need to go buy something?? HELP!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the responses guys. I'm really looking forward to what these babies do once they hit the 600w HPS flower room. I will say that I have been pretty good about watering (every 2-4 days as necessary), but after I flushed them the other day is when they've retained the most water. It looks like lastnight they recovered from the flushing and are now back to growing...

Side note: I just received my lights/reflector/ballast etc etc and am a little stumped. I'm trying to figure out how the reflector connects to my yoyo hangers? Can anyone help a brother out with this one? Theres like little holes at the bottom of the yoyo but nothing on the reflector itself to attach it I need to go buy something?? HELP!
The reflector doesn't have light hanger holes even? What you need is to locate the holes for light hangers and use an S link to connect. Use your imagination here. This is part of the fun.


Alright well now I have the reflector hanging but it's all cock-eyed because the side with the light socket and cord is obviously heavier and pulling that side down further. How do I compensate for that? I still have not put the bulb in yet...


Well-Known Member
The wing nut on those serves as a tightening / loosening dial. It's not an exact science, but you gotta pull and yank, untighten, tighten... play around with it. But again, the wing nuts are tension adjusters.

Hope that helps.


Think I'm gonna take a step back and clear my head for a few minutes with some Double Chunk then get back to experimenting. I truly appreciate the help guys! Thanks a lot!!


Alright these things suck balls. I've tried just about everything and I still can't get the non-weighted side to adjust and even out. I did some more research and some people talked about putting weights on them but I'm good on all that. I'm just gonna run to the Hydro store and pick up some ratchet hangers. Putting this room together has turned out to be more work than I thought. Oh well...tomorrow it's on like Cheech and Chong.



So I went and got the ratchet hangers and everything is all set up now. I've let the girls rest until I start my new time cycle which I will be doing (in order to best match my work schedule) with lights on from 10pm-10am and lights off from 10am-10pm. I think I'll feed them after the first 12/12 cycle. Next thing I'll need to be working on is getting some sort of ventilation going in the grow tent. For now I have a nice tall Bionaire oscillating fan to keep the air moving around the plants. If anyone has any insight on ventilating my grow tent I would be more than happy for any help for reasonable setups...oh and I believe there are only 4" vents on my tent, hope that doesn't pose any problems. Thanks again RIU!

Edited to add: I also currently have two 5 week old Kalashnikova's in my veg room and JUST started to germinate a Skunk Shiva which I got out of a bag from the dispensary, a Special Queen Feminized from Queen Seeds (freebie), and one more Kalashnikova (which I'm hoping to make a mother). I'll be taking pics etc. from each of those so if you're interested stick around!
I feed all the thru to harvest, My nutes change for flowering when I go 12/12. I'm at three weeks and they are massive with lots of flowers.
Good luck
Loaded for bud:peace:


Thanks for bumping this thread! I kind of forgot about it. Anyhow here's an update. All three of the bagseed ended up being females! They are now 20 days into flower. My next project is hooking up the ventilation as I assume they're going to be getting stanky here in a couple weeks. I was looking at this setup, can anyone give any input on it??


Anyhow, I've also got 2 Kalashnikova's (not very healthy which I attribute to bad genetics) in the flower room (about 4 days now) and a baby Skunk Shiva and another Kalashnikova in the veg room. I'm really looking forward to these next few weeks and watching the buds stack up :) Here's some pics by the way.