Starting 2nd grow...

...and this time I want to make sure the room is as clean and disinfected as possible. Will spraying hydrogen peroxide around the corners and carpet work in favor? Or is bleach a better idea? Don't want a chance at some damn bugs coming in from the outside again :finger:

Also, in terms of a SCRoG setup, how high should the screen bee form the soil if I have 6 feet to the lights?

Thanks for the replies:clap::clap:


Well-Known Member
How far do your lights go down? Or are they not on yo yos? What wattage?

If not then I would recommend a tall medium. 5 gallon bucket. Or something should do.

Get the plant(s) relatively big under the screen. Maybe 12-15" or so then start growing them through the screen. I would shoot for whatever coverage you are looking at . Ie wattage . 1000k would be 5x5 I think somethin like that.

Maybe 3-4' to the light depending again on coverage
The 1000 watt HPS lights are on "yo yo's" and can lower to about 2.5 ft from the floor.

But thanks and once they have grown to/past the screen I put fan leaves under the screen and trim everything below the screen, right?


Well-Known Member
Do it in a couple sittings. So you don't stress her out. But pull everything under the screen until the screen is full. Maybe once the hit. The screen allow them (each cola) to get woven in once then pull everything back down beneath the screen and fill the screen to you or liking and then flip.

Mind the stretch here as this is your oppurntunity to control thickness and density of your new established little field. Weave a couple more time for the support of the screen. Then sit and wait. Trimming fan leaves that are blocking the top 3-5" of the colas. As to ensure penetration to the deeper bud sites. I like to keep my scrogging between 4"-6" in cola length