Starting a delivery service. Where do dispensaries get their meds from?

also, matt, i would suggest that you proceed as anonymous --- take your rec down, change your id here to something different from your real name.
Matt thinks he is smart and untouchable because he has that piece of paper. Matt is not the brightest bulb in the pack.
oh really?

Oh, and if you don't know where to get buds in California you're not opening a dispensary or delivery service. If you can't find sand at the beach, you're not ready.
With any product in life, it all comes down to who you know and what type of prices you want to pay. But if the people I know saw that rec you got; they would gladly turn you away.
I am not an idiot... I have had trouble getting CONSISTANT quality meds. I am asking how the other dispensaries and delivery services find wholesale meds and what prices they pay.

When you find a skilled honroable grower, pay him or her top dollar and TAKE CARE of him/her. Its the same thing that a successfull produce broker does, except that you will get the finger a lot faster when you screw your grower, cause of the market your in.
Matt, how long have you been frequenting dispensaries? Have you ever became a member/patient of a collective since you got your card? Reason I'm asking...when you complete your paperwork, you are asked (by most) if you plan on cultivating cannabis for the dispensary and/or donating your time. So that pretty much implies that shops get at least some of their meds from patients.

As suggested, I'd take down any personal information and change your username. Based on the title of this post, fear DEA agents that lurk behind computer screens, looking for "easy catches"--people who can be added to their list MJ growers, even if they did nothing else.


Try calling up dispensaries/delivery services and ask them if they accept (new) vendors. Then get details from there.
I hear you about getting consistent quality meds. That is my #1 issue. And people believe that Cali has the BEST weed!? Yeah right. Well... you would never believe that if the dispensaries are any gauge of quality.

You may want to avoid the word "pay" when discussing medication that is illegal to "sell" since collectives are run "not-for-profit."
I plan on opening a small delivery service. I figure talking to the growers is the best place to start. I have a few questions and Any help would be greatly appreciated

1. How do clubs find med vendors are there "brokers" or wholesale collectives?

2. Whats a fair price to pay per pound? I plan on charging 10 dollars a gram and 30 dollars an eighth. Between 2,000 and 2500 for indoor? 1,500-2,000 for greenhouse? 1,000-1,500 for outdoor?

3. Any tips when checking out meds?

4. What are some of the most popular strains?

I have plenty more questions but ill start with these to see how willing you guys are to help.

Your prices should reflect the quality of the individual grow, not the way it was grown. I have smoked poorly flushed/dried/cured indoor that was real shwag and had some of the sweetest/dankiest/frostiest outdoor bud ever.