starting a grow room: HELP WANTED


i am looking into setting up a grow room. my room is 12' by 13' and i think the cieling is about 8'. I want to build a hydro setup and have researched a few. I would like to know what hydro setups are the best/easiest to build and operate since this will be my first time going hydro. I also want to be able to get about 24 plants so i am thinking i will need 2 or 3 1000watt lights but am wondering what lights would be the best for this setup. Of these 24 plants i would like to try about 4 or 5 different strains so i can find out which ones i like best, but i want strains that will be relatively similar to grow and not lead to complications. I figure i will have at least 2 fans in the room for circulation and may add some co2 and temp controll eventually.

please leave any feedback you have and all advice is wellcome
thanks and happy smoking :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Temp control eventually!

You will need to make sure of a few things during your setup process.

Temps need to be with 65F-75F
Humidity during veg needs to be 45-65%
Humidity during Flowering needs to be 30-50%

You need to create air exchanges if you are growing by removing the old stale air and replenishing it with fresh Co2 rich air. This can be done with Exhaust fans and intake fans.

You also need to think of your climate. If it is already warm inside your house then your grow room will be warm to begin with so you may need to use AC.

There are alot of things that go into planning a grow of the size you are talking about.

ITs not just as simple as
1 room
3 lights
24 plants

Job done.

If you want my honest advice i would say section the room into 2 and have a veg section and a flowering section that way you can constantly grow. Called perpetual growing.



ya i figure i need to do some more research about everything. i just wanted to know if the initial idea was good. i dont think im going to split the room until i gain more experience. i would like to get co2 and temp control but i do not know how much this will cost.


honestly, it sounds like you have a LOT of research a head of you. You could be digging yourself a hole that you cannot fill.
Personally, i wouldn't use 1000 watter's, as they are less efficient in terms of lumens per watt then a 600 hps. i would do a 8x8 grow space with 6 or 7, 600 wat HPS lights.
you want at least, 10 000 lumen per foot squared. 3 x 1000 wats would be enough light to cover 6.5 x 6.5, and still give you 10 000 lumen a foot.
3x 1000 watt hps will produce 420 000 lumens
5 x 600 watt hps = 3000watts and 450 000 lumens.
i also wouldn't even think about C02 until you have everything else, dehumidifier/AC, temp control, perfect light spread, with well more the 10 000 lumens a foot.
i would also stick to one strain if you are doing hydro (which i strongly, strongly recommend that you do not do) because every strain has different ph, pmm, temp, and humidity needs. you have a lot of studieing ahead of you, i suggest reading jorge cervantes indoor/outdoor horticultural marijuana grow bible cover to cover a couple times. it can be found online with ease.