Starting at 12/12?


Well-Known Member
How much do you think i would yield if i started in 12/12? How tall would the plants be? Also for growing indoors how many cfl's and wattage would i need for 2-3 plants

Thansk for the help:hump:

Farmer Joe

Well-Known Member
How much do you think i would yield if i started in 12/12? How tall would the plants be? Also for growing indoors how many cfl's and wattage would i need for 2-3 plants

Thansk for the help:hump:
i would not start seedlings or young clones in 12/12...def 24/0 then to 18/6 after couple weeks or so..for 2-3 plants go get a t-5 fluro

Farmer Joe

Well-Known Member
sorry idea. never heard of that being done. someone that has more knowledge should be able to help better


Well-Known Member
ok thanks. Yea i heard of it like a month ago and thought of giving it a try. If your limited on money and time or are in a rush for some bud than you can do this. I just wanted some more detail.


Active Member
you can start young cuttings on 12/12 pretty much straight away but they wont yeild alot you will need tripple the amount of plants to acheive the same yeild as 3 medium size plants. you are better waiting a few weeks on 18/6 maybe 3 weeks. then cut the rubbish off the bottom. that pushes all the groth into the tops. hey presto nice yeilding plants as long as you get everything else right. nuhtz uk.. peace


Active Member
a 400w sodium and a 110w fluro and a nice box should do ya. or if u got good airflow maybe a 600w to max the yeild


Well-Known Member
Lets say I had to use all cfl's could i use 2 200 watt cfl's? I am worried about fire's and to tell you the truth don't have alot of money, just want to start with cfl's and if everything goes well and i have a good grow i will up the power


Well-Known Member
or about 2-3000 lumens per square foot, whichever is easier for you to understand. get a fan on 'em, too. even a small desktop oscillating one. it is to strengthen the stems. If you 'rush' plants, first of all, they still must grow to full maturity before they will begin to flower. Maturation time varies with strain, some veg for only a few weeks, some veg for months...


Well-Known Member
As long as your sure of the sex & your clones were taken from a sexually mature plant you can go straight to flower after the clones develop a root system,no veg time needed.Instead of growing 2 or 3 plants you can grow 8 or 10 plants in the same area with better light coverage,then use the SOG method to cultivate only the top colas.

The sog is a much better use of limited lighting & since you'll only be growing the main cola's you can fit more plants under the light,giving you a yeild just as large if not larger,of all top flight buds,no popcorn buds to toy with.

Read this entire thread,look at the pictures,look at the yeilds compared to standard methods,you'll realize just as i did that there is no better way to grow than the sog.

Dont be in a hurry,it took me 3 weeks to read the whole thing & be able to digest all the info in it,just about every question you'll ever have is answered in that thread if you start from post #1 & dont skip reading anything,his metthods can just as easily be applied to soil grows as they are with hydro.