Starting First Grow Soon.


Active Member
Ok, ive been lurking around the forums absorbing info on starting a grow. I've got the growbox almost completed and i picked up the FoxFarm Big Bloom and Grow Big today, along with some Ocean Forest soil.

I'm mostly concerned with how much nutes to add to a gallon of water because the bottle directions and the paper directions the lady gave me say 2 different things, therefore its confused me a bit. Also, when to give what nutes.. Only grow big for veg and then bloom for flowering? or a diluted mixture of them both?

I know, from what i've read, that you water every other day, or stick your finger about in inch into the soil; watering them if its dry, or skipping a day if its still some what moist.

ANY other helpful bits of info you guys wouldnt mind sharing is very greatly appreciated!

thanks in advance.
- Deathspade


Well-Known Member
good luck on your first grow. a few thoughts:

don;t fertilize at all for the first three weeks.

use only the grow formula for veg and the bloom fert for flowering.

if the paper directions had lower concentrations of nute than the container, use the paper. you;re supposed to start at 1/4 the recommended strength, which may be what the lady was giving you??

other thought - lighting and ventilation are the hardest things to control in an indoor control, spend some time now to figure them out and make sure they're in place, working and debugged before you start growing.


Active Member
How many weeks do i veg for? and how many do i flower for? MY grow box is a relativly small one because it is after all my first grow, and i just want to get the basics.. not really looking for a huge harvest atm. I want to focus on getting the basics of growing a plant.

Ive been reading about SoG grows, and figured i could just try to veg to 1ft or so + LST and then go to flower mode mostly because my growbox only supports 1 plant.

1 Plant + 136W of 6500K CFLs then switch to 136W of 2700K. both light setups put out around 7800 Lumens. I built a Carbon Filter from a DIY guide, and attached a 120mm comp fan to it that i wired to a cellphone charger. it powers up, ran it for about 20 mins with no problems no short out or anything. rigged up 3x Dual Light spotlight fixtures to some PC Power Cables. All i have left is for the reflective coating on the inside of the box and hooking up the filter. for the intake i use 2x Black 90 degree 2.5inch PVC pipes.

But mainly i want to LST the plant to 1-1.5 ft. then flower. Any tips or thoughts?