Starting First Outdoor Grow. But Two Questions First.


Well-Known Member
Alright lads! (and ladies ;))

I am soon to be starting my first outdoor grow. I am going to put them into a greenhouse and maybe move them out in the summer.
But how do I start the process? Obviously I will germinate the seeds but I have heard many growers start an outdoor grow indoors and I don't want to do that, so I was going to put them into pots once germinated and then stick 'em in the greenhouse and let nature take over. Will it be a slow start?

Also, I am going for an auto and a normal plant and was planning on putting the auto in a pot it will start and finish in, but what pot size shall I start the normal one in?

Any advice appreciated. Cheers!

P.S I'm in the UK.


Well-Known Member
Hey you dont have to start inside, just find out when the season begins for you and where you live, yu dont want to start to early. Ecause they will go into flower and then revert back to veg when the days get longer. Find out the sunrise and sunset times in your area and work out when the daylight is starting to get longer.

Also being in the uk make sure theres no frost anymore bacause it will kill your seedlings. Wait for it to warm up a bit.

Ive never started mine inside before plantig outside.


Active Member
what ur sayin should work out jus fine... as fare as pot sizes the auto could go start to finish in a 2 gal...erm... 6 liter pot or a 9 liter pot... for the should do up a 5 huh there i go again.. 15 liter or 30 liter grow bag like that one or the 10 gal/ 30 liter version...good luck happy growin..also i like to start the plants in the container that they will grow in their whole life...transplants can be a lil trick for ppl who are new to growing AND it stresses the plant and takes about a week fo the plant to recover from the shock and start growing again...