Starting flowering...hows it sound

Hey all,

I just today started flowering my little girls. I have kept them in the vegetative state for some time (about 3-3.5 months), as I have been busy with other things. They all look fine, as I've kept up on watering/ feeding etc. They are now sitting under a 400w HPS.

Since they have been in Veg so long, they are about 2 foot tall now, with many leaves. I, uh, didn't think about this until the other day, but do they grow more (height/width wise) in veg or flower?

Next, I am concerned about sex. This is my first time (ha ha...unintended pun) and I am trying to figure out how to properly determine their gender. I know one for sure has little white hairs protruding from the nodes (which, if I am correct, is female), and the others I am not sure. Obviously I want the males the hell out of there, so when and how do I tell?

Lastly, the nutrient solution I am using is as follows:

Per One Gallon--
3 tsp BC Boost
3 tsp BC Bloom
.5 tsp Awesome Blossoms
.5 tsp Thrive Alive B-1 Red
.5 tsp MagiCal
2.5 tsp Sugar Daddy

How's that sound?? I used a similar solution in veg (with BC Grow instead and few other adjustments) and it worked fine, just want a second opinion.

Thanks in advance for all your help!

PS. PPM of this solution is 1450 and ph is 6.02
Hey all,

I just today started flowering my little girls. I have kept them in the vegetative state for some time (about 3-3.5 months), as I have been busy with other things. They all look fine, as I've kept up on watering/ feeding etc. They are now sitting under a 400w HPS.

Since they have been in Veg so long, they are about 2 foot tall now, with many leaves. I, uh, didn't think about this until the other day, but do they grow more (height/width wise) in veg or flower?

Next, I am concerned about sex. This is my first time (ha ha...unintended pun) and I am trying to figure out how to properly determine their gender. I know one for sure has little white hairs protruding from the nodes (which, if I am correct, is female), and the others I am not sure. Obviously I want the males the hell out of there, so when and how do I tell?

Lastly, the nutrient solution I am using is as follows:

Per One Gallon--
3 tsp BC Boost
3 tsp BC Bloom
.5 tsp Awesome Blossoms
.5 tsp Thrive Alive B-1 Red
.5 tsp MagiCal
2.5 tsp Sugar Daddy

How's that sound?? I used a similar solution in veg (with BC Grow instead and few other adjustments) and it worked fine, just want a second opinion.

Thanks in advance for all your help!

PS. PPM of this solution is 1450 and ph is 6.02

any thoughts????

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
that's a lot more nutes than i bother with, so just keep an eye on not cooking them :)

and as to sexing your plant, it is really nothing but common sense, don't give it 4 days then thinks wtf wtf is it male? when it's male or female, it will tell you, and then cock slap you round the face just to make sure you know, it really is that obvious :)

goooood luck :)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
not sure you'll get much more. you seem to know what you're doing and it sounds like you have everything in control :)


I'd say a bit strong on the fert, but if it hasn't hurt them before I guess you're fine. I try to lean to light fert tho, just my opinion.
The pH seems low, unless your runoff equals out.
Are you just now switching to HPS, or was it always there? I assume you're careful not to burn them from being too close, and watching the overall temp.
It wouldn't hurt to look for bugs now since it's easier to treat now then when buds are formed.
As for male/female, it will become obvious, but do keep a careful eye for male flowers, even growing right out of the main stem at a node. Sometimes you'll get a single rouge flower out of the blue before the main bunches form. I have a plant right now that made a single male flower at 30 days old, then nothing for the next two months. Really weird... Sometimes the male flowers can appear from nowhere and drop pollen in just a few days, so keep a close eye and inspect every single day. Even once the sex is determined, keep a lookout for a hermie node, a male flower can pop out and shoot his wad fast.
I'd take all the clones I want now too. Once the plant goes into full flower mode then the clone will have to revert from flower back to veg which can add weeks to grow time and cause a lot of stress, and stress can make a good clone a hermie. Even if you don't think you need them, cut them anyway because you never know. You might lose the whole crop for a variety of reasons and it's nice to have a collection of clones ready to go. Remember to mark ea one so if the parent is male you can toss it vs guessing all over again. I'd take 6-12 from ea plant. I use peat, they're available at Home depot etc in the form of seedling trays w/ humidity domes (super cheap too). They come with dry/compressed peat. Just add water, then your clones. For more on clones just ask or research. I can tell you about mine if you'd like. Btw, clones do like 6.0 water, but do not like nutes. Just feed them pure 6.0 distilled for the first month or so. Rooting hormones and SuperThrive starting @ 20drops/gal are highly recommended for the little tykes.

Hope this helps and is what you were looking for... Don't hesitate to ask more Q'z.