Starting from a blank canvas again


Active Member
Here''s the plan (the method of the plan will probably change 100 times)

Goal - Harvest a pound every couple months using a 1000 watt light on a light mover in a 5x10 space inside a 9 wide x 14 long room. Pics to follow when I finish this and break out the phone to upload them.

So far the room is painted flat white on the walls and ceiling, and its one of those rooms where the ceiling starts sloping down to the wall 4 1/2 feet out.

The ventilation keeps the room in a negative pressure using a really simplistic system that pushes the filtered air into the house ducting system. What I have is a 2 x 14 inch register boot in the floor, and over that I put a 14x14x3 inch high plenum with an 8 inch round fitting on top for the 8 inch fan. And on top of the fan is a carbon filter. No flexible ducting to dick with.

Any advice is welcome but here it is so far, in pieces.


Active Member
The simple filter, sitting securely with gravity and tape. I did have it screwed to the floor but it created too much house wide vibration. Took the screws out and it quieted down. It has the white sock around it but around that I put an additional carbon filter material.



Active Member
Apec ROES-UV75 installed and flushed. Tap water is going in at 265ppm. Before the first flush it was 30 ppm. After the first 3-4 gallon flush it went down to 15 ppm. Maybe it will go down a little more.