Starting from seed outside, temperature issues in northeast


I'm intending to start two or three seeds outside as a small little project. I wanted to start them a little later in the season for two reasons, keep the plant from growing too large and the erratic temperatures we have. I would start them inside but i don't have CFLs or a windowsill that gets light all day so that is out of the question unless you guys have some good ideas. The best i would be able to do with that is try and germinate them with papertower kept on a warm surface (my computer tower most likely), then move them right into cups outside.

So, the temperature issue I may have. The temps at night especially have still been dropping somewhat low (about 50 f), and the highs in the day are only 70ish and are dropping to the low 60s for the coming week. So what does everyone think, would it be safe to start these seeds now?


Well-Known Member
You'll be fine with the temperatures, as long as it doesn't frost at night they'll be good. I would either start them the way you're thinking (germinate them and put them in cups outside). or just buy some CFLs (6 pack of 27W is like $15)and wait for them to get a couple nodes, then put em outside. It'll only take maybe 2 weeks to get them started enough to put them somewhere outside.


I appreciate the answer. Also once they started growing i was thinking of FIMing or topping it, what node should i do that at (if it's advisable of course)


Height is something that i am very slightly worried about. If i do this how much would it cut into my yield?


Well-Known Member
well your already getting a late start so get going. if its going to frost you can certainly find something to cover them with for the night. please do or a light frost will kill your little seedlings. getting the late start is going to cut your yeild. if youve got good sunlight,growing medium ,ferts, water, everything taking care of accept for starting them a bit late you should be alright dont worry about yeild just worry about getting them to harvest and treating them right and they will do the same for you. youll be smoking well no worries. just remember if its going to frost bring them in or cover.


Well-Known Member
You'll be fine with the temperatures, as long as it doesn't frost at night they'll be good. I would either start them the way you're thinking (germinate them and put them in cups outside). or just buy some CFLs (6 pack of 27W is like $15)and wait for them to get a couple nodes, then put em outside. It'll only take maybe 2 weeks to get them started enough to put them somewhere outside.
Completely agree. You have a lot greater chance of survival if you can start them indoors for a few weeks. Once they get 4-5 nodes going they will be much more resistant to things like heavy rain and wind.

You might be a little late, but it isn't too late to get some nice sized plants for fall. Those pics you see of guys with 7 ft tallmoster tree-like plants usually start from clone or seed indoors in the winter and are putting out plants that are already 3 ft high and 3 months old come spring.