starting GDP in this weather?


Well-Known Member
I'm starting four GDP plants and a strawberry kush.I have them outside and doing well,but will the winter weather be too much for these plants?It gets at the coldest maybe 30 degree.I have them in 12 oz. cups and I can easily bring them inside every night.They are only sprouts at this point.any feedback is appericated!!!



Well-Known Member
fuck no man, they will never make it...after the first frost they will probably re coop but after a second front there done for, either way man marijuana likes warmer temps. anythin under 68 IMO is to cold, least for indo but outdo i not expert but do have experience where i am its starting to get cold and we might get a frost here a few weeeks up north already is, got a few that need more time out there but the cold weather does not = a good growing season my friend...