Starting in final pot...Just Curious


Well-Known Member
Wanted to know if anyone starts in a final pot? And if there is a difference in growth. I've been transplanting mine all the way but when I do my autos they go straight in their final 3 gallon pot with no issues.


Active Member
i plant straight in their final pot. thats one less thing i have to do later. they are only in 3 gallons and i dont see the need to have a bunch of extra pots n cups n shit. not sure if there is a difference probably only the day or 2 it takes for the plant if its shocked


Well-Known Member
That's what I'm considering now. My last grow I played around with the whole 12/12 from seed thing with Dinafem cheese and 2 emerald triangle blueberry headband and they went straight in with no signs of stress at all.


Well-Known Member
I dont like starting smaller plants in larger pots, too much chance of turning the bottom of the pot to mud.

TryPs N TacKs

New Member
Dont buy the bullshit you have to repot 1000 times. I personally go solo straight to 5 gal. put nothing wrong with starting in what ever size as long as you can get them to pop!