Starting Materials: This is HUGE: #MMAR #MMPR #ACMPR:


Well-Known Member
Like any sane person would tell the goberment what’s in there possession. Lol you might as well ask for them to come raid your home. This new legalization is the biggest get rich quick scheme the goberment has ever done. It honestly makes me sick to think that my buddies and relatives can’t get good jobs or visit to US due to them being caught with the same plant the goberment wants to sell and profit off of. F@$@ legalization and f&@$ every slimy politician and pig that wants to profit on the same people they jailed.
This is for people applying for licenses under the new regulations. It's means someone like Chimera doesn't have to start with previously listed material but can declare in his application he'll be using his own genetics. Combined with the statement about criminal records not excluding people from getting licenses & license holders being able to apply for multiple licenses most people are seeing this as a huge step.

I still have to read the regs myself but it looks like it'll be easy to transition to the legal market.
I got 15+ strains, what’s going to move in the new legal market? probably high thc and cbd product

I imagine we'll see all sorts of niche markets develop as people develop more refined tastes. The most popular strains I ever grew often were popular because of the taste/effect more then sheer potency
Just wait until Hellth Canaduh allows another MMAR/ACMPR genetics transfer to LP’s’s coming! Only this time, we’re holding the gun!

If anyone can register they're own strains by simply declaring "I grow xxx", I don't see how HC can transfer them. I imagine the LP's are shitting bricks because between underground growers being able to register their strains & outdoor growers being licensed, all that money they've dumped into getting set up may be a liability.

If Chimera, Red or any number of growers from these forums set up a co-op selling seeds, clones, dried bud & rosen/extracts there's no way tweed will compete on quality. With the vast network of underground growers I could easily see co-opts destroying the big corporate LP's.

At the end of the day I think there is too much up in the air to accurately predict what will happen. It's pretty clear to me that we'll see a free market eventually, hopefully sooner then later.
If anyone can register they're own strains by simply declaring "I grow xxx", I don't see how HC can transfer them. I imagine the LP's are shitting bricks because between underground growers being able to register their strains & outdoor growers being licensed, all that money they've dumped into getting set up may be a liability.

If Chimera, Red or any number of growers from these forums set up a co-op selling seeds, clones, dried bud & rosen/extracts there's no way tweed will compete on quality. With the vast network of underground growers I could easily see co-opts destroying the big corporate LP's.

At the end of the day I think there is too much up in the air to accurately predict what will happen. It's pretty clear to me that we'll see a free market eventually, hopefully sooner then later.
You don't remember the HC genetics transfer of 2013? Where do you think the current LP's acquired their strains?
Just wait until Hellth Canaduh allows another MMAR/ACMPR genetics transfer to LP’s’s coming! Only this time, we’re holding the gun!
I'm sure the LP's can order any seeds as easy as you and I can. I'm sure many of them have quite the collection if they are going to survive in the legalized world.
You don't remember the HC genetics transfer of 2013? Where do you think the current LP's acquired their strains?

I just don't think it's the same situation as it'd be counterproductive to their stated goal. At this point we can only guess but worse case scenario there's always the courts to fall back on as it's legal now.
Hmm I stated I needed staring materials on my first script because I thought it was an APPLICATION and would be refused if stated otherwise.
Then I relized after doing some research that HC is just a REGISTRATION AND CANT BE REFUSED.
Although I didn’t have my script/registration changed the second time. Just left it as I needed starting materials lol.

When it boils down to it and you have your registration paper from HC to grow but haven’t bought clones or seeds from an actual LP then you along with me are not 100% legal. IF YOU DIDNT KNOW THAT STARTING LAST YEAR WHEN THE ACMPR CAME INTO PLAY THEN YOU NEED TO GO BACK AND READ VERY CAREFULLY.
Hmm I stated I needed staring materials on my first script because I thought it was an APPLICATION and would be refused if stated otherwise.
Then I relized after doing some research that HC is just a REGISTRATION AND CANT BE REFUSED.
Although I didn’t have my script/registration changed the second time. Just left it as I needed starting materials lol.

When it boils down to it and you have your registration paper from HC to grow but haven’t bought clones or seeds from an actual LP then you along with me are not 100% legal. IF YOU DIDNT KNOW THAT STARTING LAST YEAR WHEN THE ACMPR CAME INTO PLAY THEN YOU NEED TO GO BACK AND READ VERY CAREFULLY.
soon anyone can be medical and you don't have to buy from an LP