Starting my first grow


Well-Known Member
So me and my friends have been thinking a lot lately and we realize that we spend way to much money on weed, so we decide that we are going to get seeds and grow. So Ive been working on this for a while you know seeing exactly how much money its gonna take to start a grow, and I'm already at about 950 bucks with out seeds :?. So what I wanna know is if everything that I've chosen out so far is good for an indoor grow. Heres what I got so far:
Cool Sun XL 8" Reflector (hood)-$144.95 x2
HPS 1000watt bulb - 32.50 x2
Miricale-Gro 16-quart Organic Choice potting mix - 5.97 x3
Pennington 10" standard clay pot - 4.77 x2
Quadra Silent Air Purifier - 349.95 for the first one 174.98 for the second

Now in my total I had factored in for 10 pots, but I realized when I was typing this out that my hood is only 8" and I only getting 2 of em so I don't need 10 pots haha. But ya so that is what I've factored in so far. Is there anything else you guys think I should add, I'm tryna keep this relatively cheap and I'm already WAY over what i wanted to spend. But ya anything else?


Well-Known Member
pH Meter or at least pH strips
Power Strips
Oscillating Fans
Likely ducting, ventilating fan(s)
And finally, rolling papers (won't need those for about 4 months).

Along the way, pest control - pretty cheap


Well-Known Member
Oh, yeah. A group of friends growing is dangerous. Grows are tough to keep secret if 1 person knows. 3 or 4 involved - everyone in town will know. (I know, no one in the circle will tell, but between girlfriends, talking while drunk/stoned, etc., word will spread, quickly.)


Well-Known Member
our circle is small and quiet we keep to ourselves and our girlfreinds dont have friends haha they are either wit us or alone at home


Active Member
hi all, i am starting my own grow, i have 3 plants, one bubblegum and 2 ice-cream, (from paradiseseeds). my grow room is a spare bedroom (10ftw-8ftw-10fth) so room isnt a problem. im using a 600w hid light which is about 1-2 feet above the biggest plant. i have mylar on the walls, the temp is about 74F, i dont have a humidity reader. all 3 seeds germinated within a few days. the bubblegum is 3 weeks old and looks nice (exept for really big fan leaves drooping) its about a ft high. but ice-creams have been a big problem, they started fine, first week was fine but now they seem to have stopped growing??? i am using a 30-70 mix of perlite and water every 2 days!!!! can some one help????????????


Well-Known Member
smaller cups for the seedlings you can't start them in 10" pots! 16 oz. 'beer' dark colored (not see thru!) cups work with drainage holes and everything 'Atavistic' said, too
but since you are using MG you may wanna invest in a few fly strips, as MG tends to have gnats in the soil! I know I'm using it, and it's BUGGY stuff.


Well-Known Member
as for the interrupter, 'Tez', try watering every 3-4 days, you are drowning them. they are droopy 'cause they have too much water. Do the finger method of watering. Stick your finger down into the cup, to your second knuckle. take it out, if it has dirt clinging to it, or it is wet, hold off on watering for a day or two, if your finger is dry, then go ahead and water.


Well-Known Member
any other kinda soil you would recomend then that doesnt have gnats in it? since i will be growing indoors


Active Member
sweet, negative rep for my joke comment, was laughing at the interruptor not the thread sorry...
Try Hyponex potting soil. A lot of places with garden centers in hardware stores carry it. Purple white and black bag. If you're having bug issues from where you're getting your soil, I've also heard of baking the soil first in your oven. Never tried it though.


Well-Known Member
The gnats/whiteflies/etc. with eventually find your grow. Like all insects, they're persistant. Be ready with white strips, and good environment, maybe even a few ladybugs or safe-for-consumption pesticides (like for fruits & vegetables). A lot of people use dish detergent or neem oil.

There are those who will disagree, but I think you have to learn to live with a few of the buggers just like in the rest of life. Keep 'em manageable.

Get germin'!


Well-Known Member
sorry about that roller jointer i thought you were making fun of my thread but thanks for the help guys and once i spread some rep around ill give u some back for taking some away