Starting my first official grow 8x8 throwing 2 spider farmer SE5000

I been growing outdoors and have grew indoors in the past been growing for bout 2 years now on and off …. Pics below are obviously outdoor except the purple lighting one that was my first indoor , but anyways im gonna start 8x8 was wanting some feedback on like best nutes , and any other stuff .. i been lookin at gaia green , down to earth , but cant decide- spider farmers led seem to be good leds , been seeing great buds off those lights and hella good reviews, let me know if yall know any other good brands ( did not let me post my first indoor pic)


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I have 1 hps already 400w and i just ordered my spider farmer , just trying to see what i can yield and to see the difference between hps and led to see which id like to stick to