starting new grow.....need some advice plz


Well-Known Member
so im starting my first soil grow alone. i hav done one hydro and one soil set up beforebut was basically learning off someone elses setup. this time is completely on my own, i have 8 bagseeds germinating sunshine promix #4 root pots, and two switchable 400 w lights. the plan is to scrog in the area tht i have but the dilemma im havin is picking the type of nutrients. I would like to try the organicare pure line but the instructions are slightly confusing cuz its a granular powder and u must mix it in with the dirt prior to planting or transplanting apparently.idk if it would b possible then to transplant if the plants are already trained to a screen. If anyone has advice about the granular nutrients or maybe a better option i would appreciate the help. fyi im trying to stay organic as possible and not trying to spend an arm and a leg on a full line of nutes


I have looked into granular nutes for hydro before, different brand but still a solid. I seems like if you make your nutes in a gallon of water you can get them to dissolve well enough to use in a hydro system.