starting offshore work,any possible way to still grow?


Active Member
:-|Im starting this new job,three weeks on the boat three weeks off.Im pretty new to growing and was wondering if theres any way I could still grow while only being there half the time? maybe set up some sort of timers? I know you have to water,feed,and tend to your plants as needed but maybe I could work something out? I didnt come here to be shot down,I only want helpfull suggestions. please reply back and help me out:mrgreen: if at all possible. L8


Well-Known Member
A hydro grow is your best bet with lights on timer. You won't have to lift a finger. Of course something may go wrong eg. mould, pests, BUSTED ect.


you can set your plants up on timers and stuff, but ideally you need to have someone that you can trust check on them about once a week. in order to get completely automated, you would have to spend some mad cash, but it is possible. but there are still things like insects and mold and light height that need to be monitered.