Starting Out Seedlings


im not new to growing but i dont know everything about it either. i want to start a few plants out from seed and i wanted to know if this was fine to do. i know how to germinate them and everything but could i like start them out in some 16 oz styrofoam cup until there ready to be transplanted.


Well-Known Member
first thing you need to do is read about growing. then you need to put them in 3 or 5 gal buckets and naturally grow outside. doing it this way you will learn the cycle of the plant and know what to expect. then over the summer while your watching your girls grow you can learn about lights and air induction and exhaustion carbon filters hydro setups or whatever interests you


Well-Known Member
yes u can grow in a cup or nything really that retains soil just poke some holes in the bottom of the cup so the water can drain out check out my pictures my first grow was in a bunch of cups lol u dont have to grow outside or anything grow how ever u want 2 you will learn faster from experience than anything else

Smucker G

Active Member
first thing you need to do is read about growing. then you need to put them in 3 or 5 gal buckets and naturally grow outside. doing it this way you will learn the cycle of the plant and know what to expect. then over the summer while your watching your girls grow you can learn about lights and air induction and exhaustion carbon filters hydro setups or whatever interests you
Whats with some people today? Ran out of smoke?
This advice sucks. Why would you start seeds in 3-5 gallon buckets?
Just because someone has 1800 posts sures dont mean they give good advice.
Dude do and grow how ever you want.
When I started I jumped right in the deep end and pulled 4oz per plant first grow.