Starting Over Again. WW


Well-Known Member
Received my order from herbies and it took 1 week to come to my house. I bought 10 regular WW and will be only germinating 3 and saving the rest on.

I used the cup method to germ my seed and at the moment only 2 have cracked and waiting for the last one till i plant them in soil. I have 3 small cups prepared with 2 peat pellets inside the cup filled with soil and the other cup just filled with soil. Once they are in soil ill keep them under some cfl for a week or more, and off they go outdoor to bigger pots.

Hope ill see the end results later on because it will be my reward for my last repeating year of high school :dunce:.


Well-Known Member
It has been 5 days and they haven't sprouted out of the soil? Am I doing anything wrong? Do i leave them in the dark till they sprout out or have it near the window? Oh yeah its in a seed tray, do i leave the vents open or closed till they pop?

chronic coinoisseur

Active Member
My method is wetting paper towels putting seeds inbetween the damp sheets and sealing it off in a ziplock. Usually have close to 100percent crack. From there i moisten a soilless mix(promix) and fill up a tray full of plugs. I take the eraser end of a pencil and each plug gets a hole 1/4inch deep. I drop a cracked bean in each hole and then cover the whole with a little more soil. Put a humidity dome ontop of the tray and wait.

It sounds like you've done everything right I would just keep waiting and see.


Well-Known Member
Yeh kewl thnks for the reply mate. Yeh it work i saw a sprout rising out of the peat pellet. Waiting for the other ones to wake up :D Probably tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Just woken up and have found another one have sprouted out of the soil mix. However there seed leaves haven't opened yet. Tonight or tomorrow maybe another one will pop up. :/


Well-Known Member
Is it better to have lights turned on at night or turn on in the morning? Just seeing if anyone know when you should have lights on for low suspicion in the electricity used. Going to be raising the seedling under cfl lights for awhile until they can go outdoor. I have a dandelong leg in my grow box. Should i kill it or leave it, would they help to kill white flies etc?


Well-Known Member
i just shove my seeds straight in the soil. works fine with me. every seed has popped and germed with no complications. i think straight in the soil is the best way. just because it is the most natural way too.


Well-Known Member
I just planted a bagseed in soil with mulch on top. Placed some mulch on all of the cups. Yeah my cfl lighting is giving the sprouts some warmth and the fan cooling the cfl down.
So pretty much at the moment i have two WW sprouted out and under cfls.


Well-Known Member
Bagseed just sprouted out. It looks pretty retarded think the mulch damaged it. Anyways can't really tell until it has it first two leaves out

chronic coinoisseur

Active Member
Try and get those cfls close to the seedlings, ive had bad luck with those and plants stretching hardcore from seed. Just make sure its not close enough that you roast em if you know what i mean.


Well-Known Member
RIU, do i transplant when i see a root ball? Because i see roots at the bottom of my cup but not that many. Atm i turned off the cfl and moved the plants to my window sill. I got this Light radar thingy magid. It 3IN1 PH soil, Moist, and Light. In the 132W cfl it only put off 200-500 while when i put it in the sun it it to the max 2000. I think it will be way more since it just went to 2000 right away and that the max it can go. Window Sill pwns everytime i see my plant it looks like its growing faster. DUH SUN LIGHT :)


Well-Known Member
Today i Transplanted one of the WW into a 25LT pot. Filled with nearly 25LT of potting mix and organic mulch on top. Today is also and sunny day and tomorrow will be too. So windy though in our area lately. I sprayed the plant with some seasol seaweed in case of transplant shock.


Well-Known Member
All of them have been out for days. My dad said that i should of just use 100% soil for my plants. Anyone got an idea of why 100%? Gave them some fertilizer slow realeasing ones. Just sprinkled them around each pot on top and mulch over it. Since it has been raining pretty harsh these few days. I bring some pixs up soon.


Well-Known Member
Hello pictures will be in by tomorrow 100% sure.
My dad did a inspection on the three plants. He said my biggest plant the White window in a week, they be male? - He said it with confidence.
Also he said another was too to be a male i think he pointed at the 2nd WW :(. How did he know i asked him?
He said that usually males tend to grow tall straight stem without and that the WW i had was a long straight stem with some big fan leaves.
The other WW and the Bag seed look so similar. My dad could be right since its his experiences ova my research. - Why could he be right. There a hint with the bag seed and the 2nd white widow.
The bagseed is smaller than the 1st WW and the 2nd WW is the same size as the Bagseed. The first WW has grown way taller than the 2nd WW and Bagseed - Hope i did not trip you guys out :D.

- If you don't get it, its about looking at the plants. I tell u in text today and show u the pictures tomorrow to show what i mean.
eg of my plants
- 1st WW - 1foot tall - long stem just up to its 6 node. You know how around the nodes branches come out of there? The 1st WW, just grown abit of it. Little leaves just sprouted from them. - Fat leaves? Indica?
- 2nd WW - half a foot tall - 4 or 5 Nodes with leaves around the nodes growing out. These little leaves are bigger than the 1st WW - See this could be a hint if its male or female all about comparisons. Pointy leaves? Sativa?
- 3Rd BagSedd - half a foot - same size as the 2nd. Looks like its a sativa genetic for sure. - Pointy long leaves.

See the way i said it out. However other factors can affect this. -1ST WW IS IN a massive pot. 25Lt POT
2nd n 3Rd - I think its 3gallon pot or smaller.
It was funny how me and my dad full trying to convince each other what will we think it will be. I wanna see whos right. His experience or my research. HAHAH i just told him to just wait until the pistils come out. He said just wait one week and you'll see. :D


Well-Known Member
So RIU community, do you like that?The first picture, with 3 plants. The one inside the Biggest pot is the First WW, that sprouted in my thread. The third pictures shows two plants, however you can see one of them slightly bent. This was caused when i accidentally poured Pro-mix over the plant. - The think it is the bagseed plant that is the slightly bent one. They look very beautiful, with the soil prepared with pro mix / mulch and slow releasing Ferti. Yesterday the gods must of dislike us and punished us with his wraith. It was a big ass storm and it was the biggest lightning bolt, that made the biggest BOOOOOOOOOMMMMMM AND Echo on. I was pretty scared and yes it has damamge the 2 little plants. Guys if u look carefully how come one the first WW has big fat leaves that look like Indica. and the two other small one have long pointy one. Its weird since i have one bag seed and two WW. The WW don't like each other.


Well-Known Member
Today, by looking at the plant, I just want to top it right now. I should aye on those two small plants or maybe the big one. I want to clone it too, can people help me on this. I got a cloning solution however, I don't know how to do it.
So its like Cut stem > Pop in clone sol > place in a cup or water with apart of the bottom stem submerged, or plant in soil?