Most people have to be smarter in this industry before they come out
, they might work half a season at best & then quit which happens allot these days and thats making a bad name for young peeps.Now dont get me wrong, working on a farm or some sweet backwoods spot is fun AF at times but when it gets real which it always does then Shit can really suck when its 105F and your stuck watering and all for months and everybody is on the Lake or River wake boarding sippin cold drinks & your beastin with no shower! The fun is when you Crush it at the end of the Year and come through with that Smile of success
HaHaaa. So just a word from the wise, please stop for a second & do your HOME WORK before you decide and then negotiate to throw down or to try it out.
IF YOU HAVE HEM SKILLS then stand up for what you know & be BOLD since you know what you deserve as a FAIR WAGE and do what yo have to, but if you dont have any skills then be happy with what you get and finish all your WORK to the end before quitting. Then before you leave make a new contract at the end of the season with your results of some sort or step up to the plate yourself.
I dont recommend it but if your going Gorilla style backwoods action then you should get 1/3 of a salary desired up front minimum and the rest on completion hopefully if you even get to keep your own harvest from the cops and Banditos. Either way all these silly youngsters need to tighten up a BUNCH before deciding this is what they want with their life and really be sure and then the sky is the limit young friends.
On the other side of the argument I know of some 19yr old young guys that are truly CRUSHING it and blow my mind their work ethics running circles around bigdogs so Im not just bashing all young men and women but it seems there is a bit of a trend going on thats not cool and Im just enlightening the ones that need to know.