starting seedlings


Well-Known Member
You don't need FFOF, just about any soil will work. You can add some drainage and something to buff the pH (dolomite lime for instance) to most bags of soil and it'll be okay, just make sure any soil you get is stored inside. I'm sure there has be some garden store near by that has some reasonable soil, fox farm is just the fancy end of the soil spectrum. Even if you get MG it'll be fine, just make sure it has no bugs.
ok. I let seeds soak in water for about 20 hours and planted them in a dixie cup. They went in to soil Sunday jan 2, within 2 days the Aurora popped up, the others I am waiting for. I have my tent up using T5 grow lights and put Aurora under them. She is about 2 inches....The others must be lazy :-( I have not added ventilation yet as I got a 4" fan (Damn that is big) but did not realise it did not come with filter. Have time to save for that I suppose. day 3.jpg
thanks irieie, I sprayed it but to affraid to touch it... the others still are not popping, im started to panic. I know it says up to 10 days, but she was up in 2.


Active Member
Jilly, your cup looks pretty damn saturated. Did you just water or are you keeping the soil that wet?
Jilly, your cup looks pretty damn saturated. Did you just water or are you keeping the soil that wet?
Just spraying to keep damp.... Its nerve wracking trying to figure out what is the sweet spot. I actually touched it and felt a little dry so sprayed a little. Thanks for the input, I NEED IT!


Well-Known Member
That's not the best idea, jill. You should water once, saturate it then wait for it to dry out mostly. You don't want to over-water and drown the roots.