starting seedlings


Active Member
i started one Pinapple Express and white widow 4 days ago. when they started popping i peeled the shell off the P/E and when i tried to do it to the widow it broke the stem in half. now it is still getting bigger without any nodes. will it make it??? Day 4 now

i started my last one 2 days ago but it hasn't came through the soil yet though. IM NOT TOUCHING THIS ONE!!!
also started a freebie Jack. from ch9 labs. the others are G13. Jack hasnt popped yet either. I plan keeping at least one Mother for cloning since i have a 24 vegging box.

Please give any feedback and advise since this is only my second grow and first indoor.

my vegg box 2' by 5' and 4' high Lights: two 4' shop lights and like 6-8 cfl's
my flower box is 6' by 3' and 6' high Lights 250w MH and 400w hps


Active Member
your going to have to get over that my friend. if you think that is bad just wait till your ladies are in full bloom and smelling so delicious! that will be a true test !!!



Active Member
your going to have to get over that my friend. if you think that is bad just wait till your ladies are in full bloom and smelling so delicious! that will be a true test !!!E.
yeah i know. its just getting them started is the thing for me. good thing i ordered another. its starting to poke through now:) and the pinapple is doing well.