starting seeds off in rock wool cubes


Active Member
just wondering guys if starting seeds off in 1 inch rock wool cubes and planting up to the 3 inch cubes. how long it would take to fill the 3 inch cubes out with roots. and should i take the plastic off the sides of the 3 inch cubes before planting up. im going to be putting the seedlings under a 250 watt CFL light and going to carry on with this light until the big cube is full of roots. many thanks for any reply's Bertie
just wondering guys if starting seeds off in 1 inch rock wool cubes and planting up to the 3 inch cubes. how long it would take to fill the 3 inch cubes out with roots. and should i take the plastic off the sides of the 3 inch cubes before planting up. im going to be putting the seedlings under a 250 watt CFL light and going to carry on with this light until the big cube is full of roots. many thanks for any reply's Bertie
Hey Bert so I started my seeds in cup water for 24hrs then wet paper towel method till the tap root comes out then cutthe rockwool lengthwise and put it in with the root down. And the seed only 1/8 to 1/4 inch below top of rockwool and take a tiny piece of it and cover the seed. Keep the rockwool moist but not wet, that'll damp off your seeds and they won't grow or grow like shit...already happened to me. Once they have their first set of serated leaves I put them in net baskets.. I do hydro btw..