Starting seeds the easiest way!


Well-Known Member
Thats not bad. I had pretty good luck using rockwool 14 out of 16 cracked, sprouted and are doing well, about a 87% percent success. I'll probably get one of those for my next grow :leaf:


Active Member
I germ the seeds under really small flourescet grow lights 24/7
The Bio dome keeps the seeds consistently moist and they give you a bag of nutes that work everytime.


Active Member
I saw the rockwool that came with my stealth hydro setup and thought NO WAY when it comes to the ease of the Park Seed Biodome ... However, it is basically the same principle. The negative thing about the biodome is that it has slots for 60 seeds and its only about 18" x 12". But you dont have to waste the seed starter spounges in each slot ... which is good.
I just can't say enought GOOD things about it.... Maybe I will buy a pallet of these things and try to sell them on this site!