Starting Temples


Well-Known Member
I have been on here for a few years now sharing information about Pashupati (Shiva and Pan), Atum, Ra and Mut. And as I have explained, I am a Shaivite Hindu. But now I am starting a Temple.

Starting Temples:

The Temple will not be like a Christian Church, it will be a real Religion.

The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was an organization that was founded in 1887 and started in the UK. The three founders, William Robert Woodman, William Wynn Westcott, and Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers, were all Freemasons and Rosicrucians.

The Golden Dawn, by Israel Regardie is still used by people all over the world to learn about Mystery Traditions.

The Church of Light was a church that was established for the Aquarian age, meaning it is a New Age Church. It was established in 1932 and was meant to spread The Religion of the Stars.

Here are their lessonbooks:

The AMORC is what a lot of people might call the Illuminati. They believe that Jesus dying on the cross is a Metaphor and they use the Symbol of a Rose on a Cross. I am not going to say too much about them or else I will sound like a conspiracy theorist. But they are on Facebook and stuff. They even do free online classes and stuff.

Here is them on Youtube

Here is their Facebook

And their Twitter

DUP is a Sufi sect (Mystic Islam) that uses Sacred Passages from all world religions in order to sing and dance for God. They promote peace between religions and Gnostic type teachings that see Sacred Texts as more of a Metaphysical work.

They also do what is called "Sufi Whirling" which is a dance that is based on the movement of the planets in our solar system.

The practice first started in California but now has practitioners in 28 countries.

Nicholas Roerich is the person who drew the Symbol on the modern American Dollar. He drew the Pyramid with the Eye on top and the American President really looked up to Nicholas Roerich Spiritually, so when the Symbols were being made on the Dollar his symbols were used.

Nicholas Roerich and his wife (maybe other people also) wrote these and they outline what is now called "Agni Yoga" which is the Religion that was left to the world by Nicholas Roerich. A lot of important people in the world considered him to be important, and a lot of historians and scholars and kind of obsessed with him, so this is a kind of important religion that is never talked about.

Agni is the Hindu Fire God.
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Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
Real question fin, why do you want to start a temple? And should I? Im not a believer, so can I just make up my own god? I think I'd prefer my made up version of god better than the ones someone else has already made up.

My god would be a fat black gay woman, but very loving. Like aunt Jemima

and we'd get pancakes after the smoke session. You can't call my god a negroid though! god dammit


Well-Known Member

5-Bromo-DMT can be found in sponges. 5-Bromo-DMT is very similar to DMT or 4-Aco-DMT. Not much has been reported on this, but the effects should be between that of DMT and Mushrooms. Doses may be able to be found online. The Pictures above are the sponges that contain the Entheogen. Species: Smenospongia aurea and S. echina

Then there is Sea Urchin Eggs aka Sea Urchin Roe, it is considered an Aphrodisiac and it contains Anandamide which is a Cannabinoid that is produced inside your own brain.

Bulk Roe

There are also tons of Marine Indoles many of which are related to known Cannabinoids.

Once people began eating fish, they would have been consuming Omega-3 in higher amounts than before, and thought patterns would have changed over various generations (the people that were best fit for the new Amino Acids would have had better brain function and better survival rates during natural selection), and possibly even brain design itself may have evolved after thousands of years of Epigenetics.

The first evidence of this activity, can be found in South Africa.

And Pinnacle Point, Mossel Bay, South Africa.

"Python Cave" in Botswana is evidence of human activity that is not 100% understood yet. It seems like people were there for a very long time though. What we CAN learn from it though, is that humans were doing rituals around 70,000 years ago.

And during the time of Python cave, humans were making massive behavioral developments, South Africa's Blombos cave shows us this.

Around 37,000 BC the first people settle the Island we now call "Japan". These people at some time developed a relationsip with the dolphins, and started helping each other. The dolphins chase the fish in to the nets, and the fisherman give them a share of the fish.

At some point the people of Japan found the puffer-fish which they call "fugu", and it is a delicacy. If prepared wrong (meaning if the liver of the fish is not removed completely), then a person could eat the fugu and die. Some people have been known to die for 3 days (no breathing, etc) then come back to life on the 3rd day. It has been found that dolphins actually play with puffer fish in order to get a "high" where they act funny. This may be how Japanese people originally discovered the effects of the puffer. Unless they found out by catching and eating one.



Well-Known Member
The drug laws (the Controlled Substances Act) are in violation of the Free Exercise Clause of the Constitution, similar to how it violates this same Clause in Native American and Santo Diame cases. It is also possible the act violate the 21st Amendment, which legalized not alcohol or fermented drinks, but all intoxicating liquors, and by the definition of intoxicating liquor, Bhang is an intoxicating liquor (The Controlled Substances Act was written when it was found that the Marijuana Tax act violated the Fifth Amendment and was overturned, the Controlled Substances Act may need to be overturned due to 21st Amendment violations). There are very few Supreme Court cases involving the 21st Amendment, and no one has ever brought up to the Supreme Court the point that the 21st Amendment legalizes intoxicating liquors. The 21st Amendment was ratified in 1933 The drug laws at that time were based on the Harrison Narcotics Tax act, which did not make narcotics illegal but taxed them and limited importation from foreign countries. Around this time most every drug could be bought at a Drug store, and much of the time it would be in syrup form and mixed with Soda. This is where Coca-Cola comes from, which was originally made with the Coca leaf.

Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, 573 U.S. _ (2014)
"It held that the Greens’ businesses are “persons” under RFRA, and that the corporations had established a likelihood of success on their RFRA claim because the contraceptive mandate substantially burdened their exercise of religion and HHS had not demonstrated a compelling interest in enforcing the mandate against them; in the alternative, the court held that HHS had not proved that the mandate was the “least restrictive means” of furthering a compelling governmental interest.
In order to ensure broad protection for religious liberty, RFRA provides that “Government shall not substantially burden a person’s exercise of religion even if the burden results from a rule of general applicability.” §2000bb–1(a).2 If the Government substantially burdens a person’s exercise of religion, under the Act that person is entitled to an exemption from the rule unless the Government “demonstrates that application of the burden to the person—(1) is in furtherance of a compelling governmental interest; and (2) is the least restrictive means of furthering that compelling governmental interest.” §2000bb–1(b)
Following our decision in City of Boerne, Congress passed the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of 2000 (RLUIPA), 114 Stat. 803, 42 U. S. C. §2000cc et seq. That statute, enacted under Congress’s Commerce and Spending Clause powers, imposes the same general test as RFRA but on a more limited category of governmental actions. See Cutter v. Wilkinson, 544 U. S. 709, 715–716 (2005). And, what is most relevant for present purposes, RLUIPA amended RFRA’s definition of the “exercise of religion.” See §2000bb–2(4) (importing RLUIPA definition).
Before RLUIPA, RFRA’s definition made reference to the First Amendment. See §2000bb– 2(4) (1994 ed.) (defining “exercise of religion” as “the exercise of religion under the First Amendment”). In RLUIPA, in an obvious effort to effect a complete separation from First Amendment case law, Congress deleted the reference to the First Amendment and defined the “exercise of religion” to include “any exercise of religion, whether or not compelled by, or central to, a system of religious belief.” §2000cc–5(7)(A). And Congress mandated that this concept “be construed in favor of a broad protection of religious exercise, to the maximum extent permitted by the terms of this chapter and the Constitution.” §2000cc– 3(g)."


Well-Known Member
Real question fin, why do you want to start a temple? And should I? Im not a believer, so can I just make up my own god? I think I'd prefer my made up version of god better than the ones someone else has already made up.

My god would be a fat black gay woman, but very loving. Like aunt Jemima

and we'd get pancakes after the smoke session. You can't call my god a negroid though! god dammit
I'd be down if we had her make waffles pancakes are inferior.


Well-Known Member

Following are the methods that State, Local & Federal Governments, as well as Giant Corporations use in order to complete projects, work with others to complete projects or just manage themselves.

The Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) is how Requests for Proposal (RFPs) and the subsequent Contracts are worked out. The Government or Corporation sets forward goals and requirements and the companies or persons responding reply with pricing, time frame, staff, qualifications, risk management, quality assurance etc.

This is an example of a system that would be used
Enterprise Architecture

Good things to know about are:


Well-Known Member
Rudraksha Beads are Holy to the God Rudra, and Shiva is a form of Rudra, which makes them Holy to Shiva. When Marijuana is smoked with Rudraksha beads it becomes something like a prayer and not a recreational activity.

Japa (Sanskrit: जप) is a spiritual discipline involving the meditative repetition of a mantra or name of a divine power. The mantra or name may be spoken softly, enough for the practitioner to hear it, or it may be spoken purely within the reciter's mind. Japa may be performed while sitting in a meditation posture, while performing other activities, or as part of formal worship in group settings.

A Japa mala or Mala (Sanskrit:माला; mālā, meaning garland is a set of beads commonly used by Hindus and Buddhists, usually made from 108 beads, though other numbers are also used. Malas are used for keeping count while reciting, chanting, or mentally repeating a mantra or the name or names of a deity. This practice is known in Sanskrit as japa.
Rudra (/ˈrʊdrə/; Sanskrit: रुद्र) is a Rigvedic deity, associated with wind or storm, and the hunt. The name has been translated as "the roarer". In the Rigveda, Rudra has been praised as the "mightiest of the mighty". The Shri Rudram hymn from the Yajurveda is dedicated to Rudra, and is important in the Saivism sect.

The Hindu god Shiva shares several features with the Rudra: the theonym Shiva originated as an epithet of Rudra, the adjective shiva ("kind") being used euphemistically of Rudra, who also carries the epithet ghora ("extremly terrifying"). Usage of the epithet came to exceed the original theonym by the post-Vedic period (in the Sanskrit Epics), and the name Rudra has been taken as a synonym for the god Shiva and the two names are used interchangeably.

Elaeocarpus ganitrus
Elaeocarpus ganitrus, is a large evergreen broad-leaved tree whose seed is traditionally used for prayer beads in Hinduism and Buddhism. The seeds are known as rudraksha, or rudraksh, Sanskrit: rudrākṣa ("Rudra's eyes"). Rudraksha may be produced by several species of Elaeocarpus, however E. ganitrus is the principal species used in the making of organic jewellery or mala.

Elaeocarpus ganitrus grows in the area from the Gangetic plain in the foothills of the Himalayas to South-East Asia, Nepal, Indonesia, New Guinea to Australia, Guam, and Hawaii. Rudraksha seeds are covered by an outer husk of blue colour when fully ripe, and for this reason are also known as blueberry beads. The blue colour is not derived from pigment but is structural. It is an evergreen tree that grows quickly. The rudraksha tree starts bearing fruit in three to four years. As the tree matures, the roots buttress rising up narrowly near the trunk and radiating out along the surface of the ground.

Vibhuti (vibhūti Sanskrit: विभूति; Bengali: বিভূতি ; Kannada: ವಿಭೂತಿ; Telugu: విభూతి), also called Bhasma (ash), "Viboodhi" (Telugu: విబూది) or Thiruneeru (Tamil: திருநீறு), is a word that has several meanings in Hinduism. Generally, it is used to denote the sacred ash which is made of burnt dried wood in Vedic rituals. Hindu devotees apply vibhuti traditionally as three horizontal lines across the forehead and other parts of the body to please the god Shiva. Vibhuti smeared across the forehead to the end of both eyebrows is called Tripundra.