Starting Temples

I have been on here for a few years now sharing information about Pashupati (Shiva and Pan), Atum, Ra and Mut. And as I have explained, I am a Shaivite Hindu. But now I am starting a Temple.

Starting Temples:

The Temple will not be like a Christian Church, it will be a real Religion.

The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was an organization that was founded in 1887 and started in the UK. The three founders, William Robert Woodman, William Wynn Westcott, and Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers, were all Freemasons and Rosicrucians.

The Golden Dawn, by Israel Regardie is still used by people all over the world to learn about Mystery Traditions.

The Church of Light was a church that was established for the Aquarian age, meaning it is a New Age Church. It was established in 1932 and was meant to spread The Religion of the Stars.

Here are their lessonbooks:

The AMORC is what a lot of people might call the Illuminati. They believe that Jesus dying on the cross is a Metaphor and they use the Symbol of a Rose on a Cross. I am not going to say too much about them or else I will sound like a conspiracy theorist. But they are on Facebook and stuff. They even do free online classes and stuff.

Here is them on Youtube

Here is their Facebook

And their Twitter

DUP is a Sufi sect (Mystic Islam) that uses Sacred Passages from all world religions in order to sing and dance for God. They promote peace between religions and Gnostic type teachings that see Sacred Texts as more of a Metaphysical work.

They also do what is called "Sufi Whirling" which is a dance that is based on the movement of the planets in our solar system.

The practice first started in California but now has practitioners in 28 countries.

Nicholas Roerich is the person who drew the Symbol on the modern American Dollar. He drew the Pyramid with the Eye on top and the American President really looked up to Nicholas Roerich Spiritually, so when the Symbols were being made on the Dollar his symbols were used.

Nicholas Roerich and his wife (maybe other people also) wrote these and they outline what is now called "Agni Yoga" which is the Religion that was left to the world by Nicholas Roerich. A lot of important people in the world considered him to be important, and a lot of historians and scholars and kind of obsessed with him, so this is a kind of important religion that is never talked about.

Agni is the Hindu Fire God.

I'm getting the same feeling reading this that I had in school during those required freshman courses everybody despised
Real question fin, why do you want to start a temple? And should I? Im not a believer, so can I just make up my own god? I think I'd prefer my made up version of god better than the ones someone else has already made up.

My god would be a fat black gay woman, but very loving. Like aunt Jemima

and we'd get pancakes after the smoke session. You can't call my god a negroid though! god dammit

Lol, you should go get ordained. I have been a Minister since 2009 and a Hindu for 10 years. I have converted a lot of people, and I have even ordained 2 other people as Ministers.

I wanna meet your followers!!! Please been one other minister to the thread please?
Hey I really liked the information you have spread with this thread. I'd like to be able to do something like this. I need some time to go through and read all the links that was a lot! But a lot of good information and a lot of stuff I'm very interested in. I've seen a couple Hindu gods before, Vishnu, Shesha and a huge white elephant. This was a vision I had on DMT. Ever since then I have become more and more interested in Hinduism and spirituality.
Ohm Mani Padme Hum.
Hey I really liked the information you have spread with this thread. I'd like to be able to do something like this. I need some time to go through and read all the links that was a lot! But a lot of good information and a lot of stuff I'm very interested in. I've seen a couple Hindu gods before, Vishnu, Shesha and a huge white elephant. This was a vision I had on DMT. Ever since then I have become more and more interested in Hinduism and spirituality.
Ohm Mani Padme Hum.
dont encourage him

I am not a conspiracy theorist. But here is who they are. When you see an old man alchemist or wizard, and he has a long nose and a beard and maybe stringy grey hair. There are people in the AMORC who say those people in those drawings are their ancestors, and that their tradition goes back as far as ancient Egypt (so possibly as far back as 3000 BC), and that it is a tradition that has been carried down.

Many of them pretend to be Christian, in the sense of believing that Jesus is savior (but they believe it is a metaphor) and even run Christian establishments, and some are in politics, law, etc.

Not a conspiracy theory, just a group that exists.
Hey I really liked the information you have spread with this thread. I'd like to be able to do something like this. I need some time to go through and read all the links that was a lot! But a lot of good information and a lot of stuff I'm very interested in. I've seen a couple Hindu gods before, Vishnu, Shesha and a huge white elephant. This was a vision I had on DMT. Ever since then I have become more and more interested in Hinduism and spirituality.
Ohm Mani Padme Hum.

If you compare American Acid Art to ancient Hindu Art, the two are very similar and suggest that ancient Soma may have been a form of Reed or Reed Grass which contains DMT/5-MeO-DMT, mixed with Syrian Rue or similar seed.

Good thing Botanical enthusiasts (And Eastern Cultures) have been spreading Syrian Rue, or it could be threatened right now. There are plants going extinct in Yemen, and probably in Syria now too.

But, not only is it possible that Soma includes DMT/5-MeO-DMT plants, Vedic Hindu Religion has very clearly (depicted in ancient Art) involved the use of Mushrooms.