Starting to Worry!


Well-Known Member
10:17 AM (22 hours ago)

to Attitude

I have double checked. I was very surprised myself as I have never received a partial order but can only assume due to the holiday promotions there are going to be mistakes or missed items and that the Attitude has been busy.

The only packs marked are the kosher, which looks like 6001 or L001 and the cataract 6002 or L002. The Sleestack OG is not marked besides being attached to the green attitude fist UFO card nor are UFO# 1-4 attached to a gold and brown card with greenhouse, barneys and DNA logos.

The Attitude SB
4:17 AM (4 hours ago)

to me

Hi There,
I am sorry this was missed, Ill get this reshipped for you.

Many Thanks,
Jodie - The Attitude


Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
You would think for the extra they charge for some free promotion t-shirts they get from breeders. They could get them here quicker. Tracking is pointless really. Its sad at the same time these bloats have a job and can't do it right.:cuss: the last shirt I got was super wack.