Starting up round two - open to criticism and advice


Well-Known Member
I learned so much in my first go around, as Im sure we all do. Its about time to get going again, and I'm stepping my game up a bit. Im going with a 250w hps in a 2 x 2 x 6 tent. As of now, it doesn't look like temps will be a problem. I have a few 6 inch inlines that should regulate my air nicely. Im also looking into picking up a remote room cooler. Originally, I was going to go the LED route, but after talking with some more experienced growers, they told me that HPS is more than enough and it would be entirely more beneficial to worry about keeping my temps around 65 F. So with the money I'll be saving from not getting a LED, Ill be keeping that temp down.

nutes - Ive been looking at Humboldt's Organic line. However, I think I had decent success with Botanicare last time. My lack of sufficient lighting was my downfall. It being only my 2nd she-bang, I dont want to try and do to much and screw it all up. input? As far as soil goes, I didnt really have a problem with FF ocean forest before, but I read so many negative reviews on it. Until I see a solid review for another soil, I think ill stick with ocean forest. I never really got too into micro nutes before. Just snow storm, bud candy, and gravity. whats working for you all?

Strains - one of my all time person favorites, Super Sweet Cindy, will be my pride and joy. (hopefully!) Im interested in Cheisel as well, and would really like to grow an intense purple indica (suggestions please!!)

I know, I suck without pictures. Heres a pic of what Super Sweet Cindy is supposed to look like. clickyyyyy