Starting Week 7.... Nute Burn???


Well-Known Member
I don't "have" any refresh but I can get some... Also, do you all recomend to stop feeding towards the end and flush?


Well-Known Member
Tiger Bloom, Micro and CalMag are my "normal" nutrients when I feed... So basically do a flush (with Epsom or no?). I'm just using 8 weeks as an estimated time to start looking to see if they're ready. IN fact, based on people here, I RARELY even look at the trichomes (even though I like looking at pictures of them) but instead am just going to watch the pistils to see when they start getting red hairs and start receding back into them selves like George Constanza after he was in the pool.. Oh, 5 Gallon smart pots in a 3x3 tent with a lot of air circulation (IMO) I have 2 at the tops swirling around and a dual oscillating fan on the underside that has two sections. One is dead ahaed and the other I can angle up so that I can make sure air is circulating up through the canopy. Day temps are are around 81-85 under LED's and at night they drop to about 71/72 range.
What’s your water source ? - cuz if running tap , you already have that covered. Calmag is always overused. Plants do not need special water.
Unless you have dead bodies floating in water tanks …. Most municipal water sources are just fine …. And yes plants do use chlorine .

Stop flushing with Epsom …. That alone is wrecking shit.


Well-Known Member
Tiger Bloom is fox farm’s “ bloom “ - heavily concentrated in bottle so a little goes a long way . Start that alone with 1/2 strength.
Since you still in later bloom stage shoot for 1000-1100 ppm then when you really hit the last weeks drop that by half til end.

Run will be cleaner and not hyper loaded with excess nutes.

Billy Madison

Well-Known Member
Tiger Bloom, Micro and CalMag are my "normal" nutrients when I feed... So basically do a flush (with Epsom or no?). I'm just using 8 weeks as an estimated time to start looking to see if they're ready. IN fact, based on people here, I RARELY even look at the trichomes (even though I like looking at pictures of them) but instead am just going to watch the pistils to see when they start getting red hairs and start receding back into them selves like George Constanza after he was in the pool.. Oh, 5 Gallon smart pots in a 3x3 tent with a lot of air circulation (IMO) I have 2 at the tops swirling around and a dual oscillating fan on the underside that has two sections. One is dead ahaed and the other I can angle up so that I can make sure air is circulating up through the canopy. Day temps are are around 81-85 under LED's and at night they drop to about 71/72 range.
I don't think i would flush 5 gallon smart pots, the plants could definitely get water logged in those. I would drop the micro and the calmag. They look like they have at least 3 weeks left. I would feed 500-600PPM or 1.0-1.2 EC of just tiger bloom for this week. Drop it to 400 PPM or 0.8 EC next week. Then you could just use water for the last week if you're really wanting to just give it water the last week. Like budz said none of the leaves will recover but at least it will finish better with correcting the potassium deficiency. If this is your first grow then great job! You got this far and you will ride it out and learn.
I don't think they are underfed due to the tip burn in the photos. There's just a little bit of tip burn. I'm curious to what they are being fed aside from the epsom in
I don't think they are underfed due to the tip burn in the photos. There's just a little bit of tip burn. I'm curious to what they are being fed aside from the epsom salt/cal mag.
. I'm not seeing any tip burn , flowers look almost ripe. Another week of full boom with a booster and you'll be ready to flush if that's your plan. If not half week of boost then dark period and harvest .

Billy Madison

Well-Known Member

Checking out the npk profile for tiger bloom and it's somewhat similar to dyna grow bloom except dg has calcium and some other micronutrients. I've ran dyna grow bloom in the past with great success. This is for 15 ML of tiger bloom for a gallon of water (recommended dosage). This comes out to 363 PPM + your tap water. I honestly don't see anything wrong with following those directions for the next two weeks. You said you're watching the pistils and waiting for them to turn brown and recede so you're definitely on the right track there.

Billy Madison

Well-Known Member
You Have a potassium deficiency- an element that is heavily used during bloom. It’s leaf symptoms mimic “ nute burn “ but it is not.
It affects the serrated edges and makes the tips brown ( hence the look of burn ) . I don’t know what your “ bloom feed “ is right now but you should be on a higher PK nute. Plant ( flowers ) are pulling what it can from itself ….. cannibalizing itself for it.

Excess Mag does interfere with potassium …. Drop the mag supplement.
Feed an appropriate BLOOM feed.
‘Forget that flushing jazz and starving them in last weeks. You want them to feed as they want up to the end.
Instead of “ flushing “ when they are in actual last weeks begin to lower the feed .

Nitrogen at this stage only supplements the plants health , cell health and pigmentation. It is not needed in excess during flower since new branching
Also do not follow “ breeder estimates “ on harvest time ….. run them as long as they need. They are TRULY finished however long that will be.
Plants do not follow calendars. You will find most strains end up better 2 weeks past estimates. Some run longer.
and leaf are slowing. Rooting does still happen during flower also.

Affected leaf will not recover even if you correct. You are only trying to stop progression.
Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner!

Billy Madison

Well-Known Member
I was just thinking, there's no way 1 Tablespoon of tiger bloom is only 363 PPM. I don't want to lead you in the wrong direction. Let us know what kind of PPM you get with that. Budz is making me hungry now, lol.


Well-Known Member
Both Potassium and Magnesium are mobile, thus I wouldn't expect to see deficiency symptoms appear towards the tops first.

Calcium is immobile and deficiency symptoms can look pretty similar to mag or potassium deficiency, until the brown splotchy leaves begin to show.
Being immobile also, deficiency symptoms will appear in top growth first.
I think if you've been supplementing a lot of epsom salt, you maybe experiencing a bit of lockout.

Also whatever feeding schedule you're used to that was working, before flushing with epsom salt, I'd personally use again.
Plant still has a few weeks left and needs proper nutrient.

My own tap water is pretty soft and can't get a read on a truncheon. I use a calmag supplement whilst growing in soiless mixes otherwise I do see deficiency symptoms. Soil I don't need it, but everyone's tap water is different.
I get lime scale in my tap water, but still supplement calmag..
I'm at a full dose all through veg and stretch, but it gets cut right back a few weeks into flower. (less than 1/4 dose)

I'd continue your regular feed schedule you're used to with ample run-to-waste myself.
If you want to cut your nutrient way back before harvest, I'd personally wait until it looks ready and ripe before doing so.


Well-Known Member
What’s your water source ? - cuz if running tap , you already have that covered. Calmag is always overused. Plants do not need special water.
Unless you have dead bodies floating in water tanks …. Most municipal water sources are just fine …. And yes plants do use chlorine .

Stop flushing with Epsom …. That alone is wrecking shit.
I use Tap. In the beginning I was using R/O but people told me that I was cheating my plants out of some stuff. So, I used tap from then on and it's been great. I'll stop with epsom, CalMag and Micro at this pint and just use the Bloom but probably at half the dosage (They say 1-2 tsp per gallon, I'll go with the 1 side of it. Does that sound like a plan? They look otherwise healthy (to me anyway) as a whole. Just gotta get through these last few weeks hopefully. Thanks everyone!!

Billy Madison

Well-Known Member
I use Tap. In the beginning I was using R/O but people told me that I was cheating my plants out of some stuff. So, I used tap from then on and it's been great. I'll stop with epsom, CalMag and Micro at this pint and just use the Bloom but probably at half the dosage (They say 1-2 tsp per gallon, I'll go with the 1 side of it. Does that sound like a plan? They look otherwise healthy (to me anyway) as a whole. Just gotta get through these last few weeks hopefully. Thanks everyone!!
Use at first sign of flowering and all the way through harvest. For best results, mix 1-3 tsp per gallon of water and apply at least once per week. "
Everything sounds good except for the amount of tiger bloom you want to feed. You really need to check the EC of your feed. PPM can be confusing because you have two different conversion rates (0.7 and 0.5). It's really important that you feed them a good amount of potassium. If you don't have a way of measuring your ec I would recommend giving them at least 2 tsp of tigerbloom to a gallon of water. Let those girls get their swell on!